The Lego Movie (2014)
A LEGO®-based comedy action-adventure with an unlikely protagonist, uplifting message and sensible interlaced multi-world narrative, surprisingly not shit (´・_・`)
MOVIENESS: 4.0 out of 5.0
I \(☆o◎)/ed, I ヘ(。□°)ヘed, this is like a real movie
“OMG BROS! LEGO® wants us to make a movie, with LEGOs® and shit.”
“We should totally condemn the homogeny and oppression of corporate social culture via like uh hybrid of uh corporate dystopia and communist dictatorship. But with LEGOs® and shit.”
“We going to need some comedians, unicorns, cats, and farts… Farting unicorn cats voiced by comedians?”
“I can’t believe they gave us all this $$$$$$$$$ lolololololol!”
“What about official LEGO® movie LEGO® merch of LEGOs® and shit?”
“Yup lolololololol.”
“That was fast lolololololol How are the reviews?”
“Universally glowing lolololololol!
“Lolololololol You’ll never guess what FoxNews just said.”
ORIGINALITY 2.5 out of 5.0
The Matrix… for kidz with LEGOs® and shit.
(Graphics: Michael Weinfeld) More: All Minimalist Film Reviews