Pussy Riot “Tribute” at the Russian Consulate

February 23, 2014 | ANIMAL

The Winter Olympics are finally over. The highlight for us was Pussy Riot’s protest song. To commemorate, here’s a “tribute” performance. Specifically, some enthusiastic flailing next to the ominously buzzing door of the Russian Consulate on 91st Street, early this morning by a three-people flashmob. We overheard the cops say, “Are they trying to be Pussy Riot?” Just a little bit. It came out pretty fucking goofy.

Read the lyrics of “Putin Will Teach You How to Love the Motherland” dedicated to “Bolotnaya prisoners, corruption of the Olympics, ecologist Vitishko and repression of freedoms in Russia.” (Video: Aymann Ismail/ANIMALNewYork)