Today, Noisey premiered a video for the Dum Dum Girls song “Are You OK?” off their recent album Too True. The short film was written by Brett Easton Ellis and stars lead singer Dee Dee, who connected with the author after finding out he used their song “Coming Down” in last year’s cinematic wtf The Canyons. The 11-minute long video shows Dee Dee in a creepy minimalist house practicing some kind of visualization or hypnosis with a guide. Things get a little weird as she is drawn into her own mind which, she discovers, holds a menacing pixelated image. There is also menacing artwork by Charles Ray. They cut to a weirdly upbeat segment where the song plays and then some dark shit with some dude goes down, either in Dee Dee’s mind or somewhere else. This is probably the least controversial thing Ellis as ever written, as it includes no nudity, drugs or rape, and only a little violence and is generally very uneventful. (Here’s the behind-the-scenes interview.)