Catskills Art Trip: Heroine Den

May 16, 2014 | ANIMAL

A little while ago, ANIMAL took a trip to the Catskills and took over a motel transforming four of the rooms into non-traditional pop-up art experiences in a series of videos for Lincoln Now! This is the “Heroine Den” featuring the work of Brooklyn’s transmedia artist Carla GannisFind out more here.

The visuals featured classic super-heroes, reinvented for the inclusive digital age, like Glitch Girl, vanquishing a notorious internet troll by tagging him with his true identity. The highlight of the pop-up was Gannis’s interactive piece — a fiberglass cut-out that combined vibrant projections and a live camera feed, allowing anyone in the room to “become” the Super Heroine of our cyber-present. See more episodes from the ANIMAL’s Catskills Art Trip here.

(Video: Aymann Ismail/ANIMALNewYork)