Last night, Williamsburg club Verboten held a fundraiser to benefit B.E.A.T. (Bringing Education and Art Together), a “nonprofit organization based in NYC which produces pioneering music and dance programs for some of the most under-served students and communities in New York City.” It featured one of a kind work from a slew of graffiti and street artists such as DCEVE, KORN, SNOEMAN, MARTY, ELLE, Chris RWK, MIRF, Cern, Tony DePew and others. Attendees were asked to donate $10, which got them two raffle tickets each. All the work was raffled off. Not only was this a great deal, it was for a great cause. Click through the gallery above to see what you could have went home with for the cost of a dime bag. (Photos: Aymann Ismail/ANIMALNewYork)