“Summer Of Surrealism” at Nitehawk

June 24, 2014 | Sophie Weiner

In partnership with Brightest Young Things, Williamsburg’s Nitehawk Cinema has announced a series of surrealist movie screenings this summer. Starting this weekend with our fave Jodorowsky‘s Holy Mountain both Friday and Saturday at midnight, the screenings will feature films like David Lynch’s Inland Empire, Jarmusch’s Dead Man and a collection of surrealist shorts including classics by Dali and Maya Deren. It’s a good intro course for anyone who missed out on this stuff in college, or just wants to relive their discovery of surrealism, this time with booze.

Several of the screenings will also feature live soundtracks by artists like Guizot and Alyse Lamb (of EULA). Check out our interview with Jodorowsky to prepare for your trippy trip into surrealist film. Who knows, maybe Kanye will be there.