Watch NYPD Stand Directly In Bike Path On Day 1 Of NYPD’s “Safe Cycle” Crackdown

August 14, 2014 | Amy K. Nelson

On Wednesday afternoon, I took a leisurely bike ride in Midtown to check out whether the NYPD’s “Operation Safe Cycle” was being enforced.

Tourists, motorists and anyone with a pulse is on notice for the next two weeks — the city will ticket you if obstruct bicycle lanes, creating a hazard for riders. With a GoPro camera mounted atop my handlebars, I set out to see whether the bike and pedestrian safety the NYPD is promoting is a “priority.” I followed all the laws of the road and stayed in a bike lane when applicable (there are many streets in the city without any), covering 10 blocks beginning at West 38th Street and 8th Avenue.

Just after passing the Port Authority bus terminal at 42nd street, I got my answer.