Watch Kite Surfers Carve Up Brighton Beach in the Snow

March 11, 2015 | Liam Mathews

Temperatures are expected to reach the low 60s in New York on Wednesday, so icy wind and snow on the ground may be mercifully behind us. Thus, Brighton Beach winter kite surfing is over, too. Say goodbye to winter by watching these guys make the best of it.

“We need to get our fix. Advanced kiters, we don’t care if it’s cold, we have the proper gear,” kiteboarding instructor Peter Danilava told the Bensonhurst Bean. “I feel the wind and I just need to get out on the water.”

These brave athletic souls board on the beach both in the winter and in the summer. While the cold doesn’t bother them much, we assume that they’re just as grateful for warmer weather as the rest of us.