Vienna Museum Opens Doors to Nudists After Hours

February 4, 2013 | Eugene Reznik

When in Vienna, strip down and go art-ing. Seriously.

The Leopold Museum in Vienna has announced that it is opening doors after public hours to the “Nackte Männer” (male nude) exhibition for visitors to explore in the nude, Artnet reports.

“We thought about it,” says a spokesperson for the Museum, “and decided it would be a good idea.”

Here’s what the exhibition, which has attracted 65,000 visitors and will have and extended run through March 4, is about:

Starting with the period of Enlightenment in the 18th century, the presentation will focus mainly on the time around 1800, on tendencies of Salon Art, as well as on art around 1900 and after 1945. At the same time, the exhibition will also feature important reference works from ancient Egypt, examples of Greek vase painting and works from the Renaissance. Spanning two centuries, the presentation will show different artistic approaches to the subject, competing ideas of the ideal male model as well as changes in the concept of beauty, body image and values.

And while it is not against the rules to attend full-clothed during these special hours, the museum also says that would be, like, not cool. “It’s better not to be clothed.”