Is Marina Abramović Starting a Cult?

June 6, 2013 | Kyle Chayka

If you hadn’t heard already, performance art superstar and James Franco supporter Marina Abramović has already started building the Marina Abramović Institute — a space that “will serve as her legacy and homage to time-based and immaterial art.”

As much as this may seem like an honest endeavor by a renowned artist who is fortunate enough to be able to preserve and engage with her practice on her own terms, it just may seem a bit like a cult.

Perhaps it’s the sterile white labcoats and pairs of headphones that will be distributed at the door, or maybe it’s the fact that visitors will not be allowed to bring cell phones or computers into the space because it’s very important for visitors to “forget about time.” While this all may be part of the experiencesomething doesn’t feel right.
