The scent of baby wipes and powder is overwhelming inside the small installation space at Kianga Ellis Projects. It’s a functioning conceptual component of Nursery, an inaugural exhibition of General Howe’s latest Tumblr project The Animated Disasters of War GIFs.
The artist has turned the project room into a fully functioning nursery, complete with a crib and changing station as well as carefully painted images of the horrors or war.
The artist has become widely known for his previous contributions to street art, with his small site-specific installations of toy soldiers from the Revolutionary War scattered throughout numerous significant locations across Brooklyn. After recently becoming a father himself and relocating to Wisconsin, General Howe began utilizing the internet rather than the streets to investigate the unusual romanticization of violent content as once presented in children’s themed entertainment and to present his findings.
Would kids be creeped out by an image of sloppy, bloody decapitation or would they recognize that it’s only a cartoon? You could bring your kid to Nursery to find out… Kianga Ellis Projects, Nursery, General Howe, October 4 – November 9, Manhattan, NY (Photos: Kyle Petreycik/ANIMALNewYork)