Dubious Chelsea Art Show Full Of Pro-Russian, Pro-Syrian Regime Propaganda

October 10, 2014 | Rhett Jones

You may have noticed an onslaught of subway ads for a Chelsea gallery show touting “unique footage, artifacts, and video” that will tell “the whole reality about the countries involved in civil war.” It forbiddingly asks, “Syria, Ukraine…Who’s next?”

According to Gawker, there’s some shady shit going on with this pop-up photography exhibit. The show, titled “Material Evidence. Syria. Ukraine” promises objectivity, assuring visitors that the show will not “take sides” or “support a specific political goal,” but in fact the exhibit seeks to paint the Assad regime in a favorable light and equate Ukraine protesters with “extreme-right winged” militants.

But all one has to do is see the photo credit on a “larger-than-life portrait of a smiling, ridiculously handsome Syrian soldier in a backwards baseball cap, next to another photo of a soldier kissing a baby” and it’s “provided by the Syrian Ministry of Defense” and the whole thing stinks.

You can read about the full complicated web of silent men with bags of cash, Russian ballerinas, fake websites, Nazi vandalism and false flags right here. The only person you should trust less than an oppressive dictator is a smiling and helpful gallerist in Chelsea. (Photo: Sasha Maksymenko)