November 30, 2022 Freddy Alva

Graffiti in NYC is not a static, monolithic entity in 2022. From the rudimentary beginnings of the pioneers to the golden era and its present day infusion of inroads into corporate, art world and commercial entities; what still matters the most is the street. Where, and just as important, how you get up is of […]

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November 9, 2022 Bucky Turco

The art and marketing collective known as MSCHF opened an exhibit of new work at the Perrotin Gallery on the Lower East Side called “No More Tears, I’m Lovin’ It.” “Spot’s Revenge”According to MSCHF, @bostondynamicsofficial deactivated their Spot robo-dog using an “undisclosed backdoor,” after the collective armed it with a paintball gun, put in a […]

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November 1, 2022 Bucky Turco

Union Square was the meeting grounds for New York City’s Halloween celebrations, as crowds gathered to smoke weed, vibe-out, and get sturdy. Not even rain could stop the constant stream of costume-wearing revelers from flooding the area. Here’s a small sample of who crossed our paths. […]

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October 4, 2022 Miss Rosen

📷: (L) Slick Rick by Sophie Bramly (R) Slick Rick by Janette Beckman | Courtesy of TASCHEN Picture it: Detroit, the late 1980s. High school student Vikki Tobak awaited her turn to speak as the teacher asked the class:  “What do you want to do when you grow up?” The teen, who first arrived in […]

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