Category: News
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Last year, Deadspin’s Greg Howard called odious conservative blogger Chuck Johnson a “clowntroll,” a portmanteau of “clown” and “troll” that gets at both how Johnson says irresponsibly provocative things for the sake of attention and is completely ridiculous and absurd while doing it. This description also applies to a certain Republican presidential candidate/noted Worst Person […]
ANIMAL’s feature Game Plan asks game developers to share a bit about their process and some working images from the creation of a recent game. This week, we spoke with Damjan Mravunac of Croteam, the Croatian studio behind indie first-person puzzler The Talos Principle. The Talos Principle is an oddity of a game, both for […]
Adding more ammo to the growing fight against Uber in New York, just over 50% of the cars the Taxi & Limousine Commission seized in a crackdown on illegal rides were affiliated with the app service. The New York Daily News reports that out of 938 cars towed off the street and at the airport […]
The State Senate on Tuesday passed a bill, 49-13, to allow Mixed Martial Arts, a popular form of supervised violence, in New York State, the New York Post reports. If a similar bill passes in the Assembly, MMA could soon be legalized in New York. “It’s the right thing to do,” said Sen. Timothy Kennedy […]
Rachel, Washington Square Park. (Photo: Bucky Turco/ANIMALNewYork) […]
CEY Adams works on his contribution to the 6th annual Welling Court Murals Project in Queens. (Photo: Aymann Ismail/ANIMALNewYork) […]
Despite all the claims by pundits and governmental agencies, a new study published in The Lancet Psychiatry shows no evidence linking the legalization of medical weed in the U.S. with an increase in teenage cannabis use. According to Science Daily, researchers analyzed “24 years of data (1991 to 2014) from over one million American adolescents […]
In the hierarchy of New York real estate, somewhere between the slumlords and the moguls (who are sometimes the same), lie the shadowy figures who sit on Co-Op boards, controlling who gets to live in a building based on a mysterious set of criteria that can easily veer into discrimination. One such board, which oversees […]
It has now been confirmed that the administrator of the 2nd largest darknet drug marketplace, BlankBank, has stolen all user funds, believed to be somewhere between 600-1200 bitcoins or around $150k-300k (at time of writing). Back in May, BlackBank, went down to maintenance to supposedly to install a “Bitcoin tumbler” or money laundering software. Darknet […]
A one-bedroom place costs, on average, $4,450 a month to rent in Tribeca. That’s about $1,000 more a month than the same place in Soho, and $2,000 more per month than it would in the neighboring Lower East Side. Those numbers are according to real estate site Zumper (via Business Insider), which has ranked the […]