June 10, 2015 Prachi Gupta

This video of a pit bull attacking a cat in New York City is hard to watch, but eventually, the pit bull lets go of the poor cat and the cat seems like it’ll be alright. It’s actually the perfect New York metaphor: That pit bull is New York in all its grit and hard-edged […]

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Bucky Turco

Wilhelm, Times Square. (Photo: Aymann Ismail/ANIMALNewYork) […]

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June 9, 2015 Aymann Ismail

The High Bridge, New York City’s oldest span, reopened today after being closed for over four decades. (Photo: Aymann Ismail/ANIMALNewYork) […]

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Prachi Gupta

Unless you are among the 10% of Americans who consumes around one teaspoon of sodium a day, you’re consuming too much salt. And, according to the American Heart Association, that may not be something you can control because “approximately 75 percent of the sodium we eat comes from sodium added to processed foods and restaurant […]

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Liam Mathews

Last month I wrote a somewhat sarcastic post called “Commissioner Bratton Is Off His Damn Rocker,” where I criticized Bratton’s statement about how “cop haters” who post videos of cops arresting to social media were making officers’ jobs needlessly difficult. I suggested that he take a vacation to clear his head. But after reading this […]

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Prachi Gupta

New York City has a long and storied history with tattoos. German immigrant and sailor Martin Hildebrandt, who is credited with opening the first tattoo parlor in the country, set up shop in Manhattan in 1846. In 1891, a New Yorker named Samuel O’Reilly patented a modified version of Thomas Edison’s pen, creating the first […]

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Liam Mathews

Last week the Department of Buildings approved architect Joseph Pell Lombardi’s plan to remove a fire escape from the front of 69 Greene Street, a landmarked building in Soho. DNAinfo reports that the DOB approved the plan despite opposition from residents and the FDNY. Lombardi also intends to remove a fire escape from 71 Greene […]

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Prachi Gupta

New Yorkers are very territorial about their space, even when that space is on the side of a curb in front of a vacant lot. That’s what photographer Holger Keifel noticed on bike rides through the Bronx as he saw dozens of “No Parking” signs — unique in design, but singular in message: Stay out […]

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Liam Mathews

DNAinfo made an interactive map of all the complaints to 311 for illegal pets between January 2014 and January 2015, and it’s pretty fascinating. Most of the complaints in the boroughs are about roosters and chickens, and most of the complaints in Manhattan are about the person or persons who stand on the street holding […]

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Bucky Turco

Today at 10:30 AM, a ribbon cutting ceremony will formally mark the reopening of High Bridge after more than 40 years. Completed in 1848 and originally designed to help bring fresh water to the city, the historic pedestrian span was constructed over three decades before the Brooklyn Bridge existed, making it New York’s longest standing […]

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