Category: News
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“Looking for a Girlfriend” guy Dan Perino, who advertises his “9in coke can dick,” rattles off his sexual experiences like they’re sports stats and apparently only dates models, is frustrated that he can’t seem to find wife material out there in this lonely city. His brazen, contradictory approach to love has made him an obvious […]
Just two weeks after a coyote was spotted on the roof of a bar in Long Island City, DNAinfo reports that police cornered and tranquilized a coyote that somehow ended up in the vicinity of 9th Avenue and West 28th Street on Tuesday morning. DNAinfo, who has video of the coyote in flight, quoted a […]
While there’s room for debate on what constitutes some behavioral violations on the train, there’s at least one fixed point of etiquette which is unwavering, immovable, incorruptible — and that is the pole separating subway seats. Although it may appear to be just a thing to grab as the train rocks back and forth, it’s […]
To celebrate the 40th anniversary reissue of Physical Graffiti, Led Zeppelin teamed up with Interlude and Prettybird and director Hal Kirkland to make a super cool interactive video for “Brandy & Coke,” an early rough mix of what was later known as “Trampled Under Foot,” or “Led Zeppelin’s Stevie Wonder song.” The video allows viewers […]
On Tuesday, Cinemax show The Knick was filming in Clinton Hill on DeKalb Avenue. The series, directed by Steven Soderbergh, is set in the early 1900s and is a fictional depiction of the horrific conditions common to NYC’s Knickerbocker Hospital. Compared to previous sets in the LES and South Street Seaport, the shoot in Brooklyn […]
Tree cover is important to the health of a neighborhood. But what if there’s so much (artificial) tree cover that the real trees aren’t visible and not enough sunlight reaches the ground? That’s the concern of many regular visitors to Madison Square Park, where a new overhead installation is being called too big and too […]
The 100-pound Edward Snowden bust that was illegally placed in Fort Greene Park by a group of guerrilla artists on April 6th has been sitting in the NYPD’s 88th Precinct since it was confiscated, just hours after installation. Now, a group of activists are calling on the city to return the statue to the people […]
On Friday, the Observer’s Ryan Steadman wondered, “is Biggie Smalls becoming New York’s street art saint?” That question has a two-part answer: Biggie was canonized long ago, and he’s moved from icon into exhausted cliche. The city’s newest Biggie mural is on a roll-down gate at the Musket Room, a restaurant in Nolita. The mural, […]
Valentino, Soho. (Photo: Bucky Turco/ANIMALNewYork) […]
“Call Now!!” New ad takeover by graffiti artists CASH4 and SMELLS promises to “make you money, money, money, money, lots of fucking money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money.” (Photo: Aymann Ismail/ANIMALNewYork) […]