Category: News
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Bradley Hart takes bubble wrap and deliberately injects the bubbles with paint, creating portraits of Steve Jobs and scenes of Amsterdam. It’s remarkable how these jiggly little boils of paint can create such detailed results. That must have taken a lot of patience. The big question, though, is how does Hart resist the natural human urge to pop […]
“Welcome to TrustoLand.” For the latest issue of Mass Appeal, the good people of TrustoCorp headed to an abandoned theme park somewhere “between Barstow, CA and Las Vegas, NV” and did their thing. The deed was captured mostly in still images rather than video, so the final product is a bit jerky, but it’s worth […]
Audio evidence in the federal case against the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk practice, obtained by the Nation, confirms that the NYPD enforces arrest quotas, and that they are supported by the police officers’ union. In the tape, a union delegate can be heard saying, “I spoke to the CO [commanding officer] for about an hour-and-a-half. 20-and-1. 20-and-1 is what the […]
If you don’t like this video you can go fuck yourself. WHAT?!!! Look it’s a cat video by experimental artist Chris Marker. Art. Yeah? OK THEN. […]
If you can get over your gag reflex, it’s not a bad idea: a new restroom facility in Prospect Park’s historic Wellhouse building will store all human waste in a giant underground container, rather than pump it into a sewage treatment plant, and after five years or so of mixing around with wood chips and […]
As a part of state budget negotiations, New York legislators and Governor Andrew Cuomo have agreed upon a plan that would gradually raise minimum wage over the next three years. The minimum would extend from $7.25 to $8 next year, $8.75 at the beginning of 2015, and $9 at the beginning of 2016, and would […]
Rose, Midtown. (Photo: ANIMALNewYork) […]
A gentleman rests on a DIY bench in Hell’s Kitchen. (Photo: Aymann Ismail/ANIMALNewYork) […]
The fact that we can read other humans’ emotional cues is old news, but behavioral scientists weren’t sure whether this empathy extended to other animals– until now. Science has confirmed that humans are, in fact, pretty good at reading dog’s emotions based on facial expression. Sometimes. In the study, led by Dr. Tina Bloom of […]
Four North American river otter pups, three male and one female, were recently born at the Long Island Aquarium to parents named Peanut Butter and Jelly. Awww. Now, the aquarium wants the public’s help to give monikers to the little pups. Unlike previous naming contests, there is a selected group of names to pick from. […]