March 1, 2013 Allison Bagg

Ramez, Chelsea. (Photo: ANIMALNewYork) […]

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February 28, 2013 Bucky Turco

A vandal with a lot of love and a sense of humor left a message near Stuy Town for the good people of New York City. (Photo: panda073/Flickr) […]

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Samer Kalaf

Jeremy Bena, an art student from Kansas City, capitalized on a snow day by exercising his abilities. Behold Bena’s Snow Toilet. “I’m an art student, just having fun, trying to make the most of the weather out here. I figured I would, you know, make a toilet,” Bena says in the video, seemingly unaware of […]

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Julia Dawidowicz

These rather unsettling photos of, er, artfully arranged food mélanges being shoved into human mouths come from the mind of photographer Mathieu Frossard. They may not rev up the viewer’s appetite, but they certainly accomplish some sort of visceral effect. Also featured in the series are some mouth-watering platters of ornately garnished horse hooves, fish […]

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Eugene Reznik

Synesthesia is a neurological disorder (and/or gift depending on worldview) in which your five senses sometimes seem to have their wires crossed — you can hear color, see sound, so on and so forth. Oscar López Rocha‘s animation Synesthetic Locked, is a glitchy, screechy, 3D-ish stereoscopic simulation thereof, a dizzying RGB web of weird associations. […]

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Andy Cush

Today in frightening/awesome science news: scientists from Duke University have successfully wired together the brains of two rats, giving them the mental power to solve problems neither could tackle individually. Wirelessly, the researchers were even able to link two rats’ minds with one in North Carolina and the other in Brazil. The scientists set up […]

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Samer Kalaf

Spider-Man’s cool — as is journalism idol J. Jonah Jameson — but judging from this video, Scientifically Accurate Spider-Man would be more of a gross social pariah than superhero. Did you know his dick would fall off and he’d shoot webbing out of his butt? Because his dick would fall off and he’d shoot webbing out […]

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Julia Dawidowicz

Voyager 1 is literally the musical translation of data from the raw feeds of the legendary spacecraft Voyager 1‘s magnetometer. Meaning that if there is ever a sci-fi movie made about the Voyager 1, and this was used as the soundtrack, it would basically be the most awesomely meta score ever. Domenico Vicinanza is a […]

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Samer Kalaf

Some students from Hunter College are being investigated by school officials after a video surfaced of them playing a questionable game. In the video, two participants put balloons under their shirts (representative of a fetus) and try to pop the other’s “fetus” with a plastic utensil. It’s like cockfighting, but not deadly. The objective actually […]

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Eugene Reznik

The centennial Armory art show opens a week from today, and because nobody can handle the anticipation, a comprehensive virtual preview went live this morning on Artsy, the browsing platform run on the Art Genome Project. From a quick scroll through, it seems that the experience on their well-designed HTML5 site is far more pleasant […]

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