March 19, 2015 Prachi Gupta

Biking noobs, tourists, and pedestrians would be wise to heed this tried and true advice from cyclist Ethan Minsker. If you don’t want to be an asshole, then listen to Minsker. And if you do want to be an asshole, then congrats, cause it takes a huge asshole to want to be one. […]

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Liam Mathews

For the past year, New York’s famed Explorer’s Club has been advising the Crown Prince of Bhutan on the best use of science and technology in his kingdom’s ongoing search for the mythical biped known as the Yeti, DNAinfo reports. The club, whose illustrious members have included Teddy Roosevelt, Neil Armstrong and Sir Edmund Hillary, […]

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Prachi Gupta

American Apparel, the retail company that made waves for debuting pubic hair and nipples on its models and mannequins, seems now to be distancing itself from female anatomy. The company recently started airbrushing the nipples and pubic hair off new product images on its website, ANIMAL has learned. The changes can be seen on the […]

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Bucky Turco

Kostantinos, Bushwick. (Photo: Bucky Turco/ANIMALNewYork) […]

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March 18, 2015 Aymann Ismail

Graffiti artist GHOST’s tribute to fellow writer DG. (Photo: Aymann Ismail/ANIMALNewYork) […]

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Prachi Gupta

A new Kickstarter aims to build a forest in one of the unlikeliest places on the planet: the middle of Times Square. The idea comes from urban ecologist Mariellé Anzelone, founder and executive director of NYC Wildflower Week, and environmental analyst Hugh Reed. The project, Anzelone explains in a video on the campaign’s page, will […]

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Bucky Turco

Tuesday was St. Patrick’s Day, one of the rare days in New York where public intoxication is not only acceptable, but also encouraged. It’s a joyous day where even the NIMBY crowd, which rails so hard against the holiday’s bastard cousin, SantaCon, more or less shuts up. So ANIMAL went to one of Manhattan’s cheapest […]

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Prachi Gupta

It wasn’t Josh Hartnett or another movie star that had some small Brooklynites losing their damn minds at Greenpoint restaurant Five Leaves, but a lamb. The Greenpoint restaurant was founded by Heath Ledger’s pals in honor of the late actor, and on Tuesday made headlines for hosting the baby sheep. It was a special guest […]

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Liam Mathews

German artist Nadine Wottke’s sculptures are a great contribution to the genre of art-by-juxtaposition: she makes small porcelain figurines of the type most closely associated with wholesome, kitschy depictions of angels and children, but re-shapes them to have everyday bodies (soft bellies and sagging breasts) posed in sexually explicit positions. She adds to the off-ness […]

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Carolina Ana Drake

Cuban performance artist Tania Bruguera has been detained in Cuba since December 30, after attempting to stage a performance about free speech in Havana’s Revolution Square. But back in NYC, her 5-year long-term art project, Immigrant Movement International (IMI), is growing substantially despite her absence. Bruguera, who believes art can be a useful tool to […]

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