July 15, 2013 Andy Cush

The Oxford American Dictionary defines marriage as “the formal union of a man and woman by which they become husband and wife,” which, in 2013, is starting to look more than a little dated. To combat that, a group of anonymous artists printed stickers with an amended definition– “the formal union of two people by […]

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Andy Cush

A few members of the Upright Citizens Brigade, an an institution of American comedy that has counted Amy Poehler, Adam McKay, Aziz Ansari, Nick Kroll, and Donald Glover among its members, stopped by the offices of Mother New York, ANIMAL’s benefactor. We took the opportunity to chat with them about the history of the UCB, […]

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Aymann Ismail

Yesterday, hundreds of protesters gathered in Union Square — and thousands around the country — after George Zimmerman was acquitted of second-degree murder and manslaughter of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin in Florida. The protestors read passionate speeches, chanted “No justice, no peace!” and carried bags of Skittles and Arizona iced-tea, the only objects found on Martin at the […]

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Marina Galperina

ANIMAL’s feature Artist’s Notebook asks artists to show us their original “idea sketch” next to a finished piece. This week, artist-render LaTurbo Avedon — who exists only as an avatar on the internet — shows us the process behind her New Sculpt series. Her first solo exhibition in the physical space (so-called “IRL”) opens this Saturday at Brooklyn’s […]

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Marina Galperina

Just like all of us, Sofia Coppola has problems, but they’re a little bit different, because she’s not like us. She’s Sofia Coppola. Wikipedia: Sofia Carmina Coppola (/ˈkoʊpələ/ koh-pə-lə; born May 14, 1971) is an American screenwriter, director, producer and actress. In 2003, she received the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay for Lost in […]

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Marina Galperina

Larry and Rockelle, Williamsburg. (Photo: Aymann Ismail/ANIMALNewYork) […]

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July 12, 2013 Nate Cepis

News Vines is ANIMAL’s reoccurring series in which we retell current events in six-seconds or less. In this edition, America’s favorite yellow food-shaped product is making a comeback to a Wall-Mart near you. #NewsVines: Twinkies Are Back https://t.co/vqybyblwEF — ANIMALNewYork (@ANIMALNewYork) July 12, 2013 […]

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Brandon Soderberg

This week, a Swedish 16 year-old named Yung Lean, previously known by blog scourers for March’s half-viral video “Ginseng Strip 2002” – in which the bucket-hat-sporting white boy delivered rambling staccato half-raps about listening to R. Kelly and receiving oral sex from a Zooey Deschanel lookalike, over a gorgeous, sobbing beat – released the free […]

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Aymann Ismail

On Wednesday, Muslims all over the world marked the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan, which requires them to abstain from eating or drinking anything from sunrise to sunset. The fasting takes discipline, especially if your job is to work the Halal truck and sit all day in an aluminum box, slapping pounds of […]

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Marina Galperina

“There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY you’re getting in,” Pace rep told my editor. She’s been getting calls about Jay-Z all day. “It’s a closed set.” Jay-Z was shooting a Mark Romanek-directed music video inside a gallery in Chelsea, lip-syncing and dancing with half the New York art world as cameos. When Tweets alleging “Jay-Z is doing performance […]

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