June 10, 2013 Aymann Ismail

Sudden Black is a production house operating out of London that creates spellbinding music videos, short films and commercials. They also a have one of the greatest and most honest business philosophies ever. As much as we take our work seriously, at Sudden Black we aim to have fun and in the process make amazing […]

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Marina Galperina

ANIMAL’s feature Artist’s Notebook asks artists to show us their original “idea sketch” next to a finished piece. This week, Daniel Temkin talks about corrupting images with a sound editor in his Glitchometry project. I spent a week at Alfred University’s Institute for Electronic Arts, immersing myself in my ongoing project Glitchometry. To make Glitchometry images, I corrupt images in a […]

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Bucky Turco

When it comes to precision hits on public spaces, Mobstr deploys several tactics: spray paint, stenciled phrases and mixed-media sculptures. Over the past few years, Mobstr has made a name for himself, literally, while remaining anonymous — a near impossible feat in any city, let alone London, a place notorious for its network of CCTV cameras […]

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Allison Bagg

Andre, Williamsburg. (Photo: Marina Galperina/ANIMALNewYork) […]

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June 7, 2013 Nate Cepis

News Vines is our new reoccurring series in which we retell current events in six-seconds or less. In this edition, Cindy and Shirley do a little after-school gossiping. News Vines: The #NSA Violates Your Privacy vine.co/v/bL1K23hzu2O — ANIMALNewYork (@ANIMALNewYork) June 7, 2013 […]

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Aymann Ismail

While walking around Shoreditch last Friday around 11:30PM and not even looking for any more street art, Aymann and I came across two artists painting a mural, legally, on Great Eastern Street. UPDATE: That wall has a name. It’s a busy thoroughfare, so throngs of passers-by stopped, snapped photos with their phones and, for the most […]

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Marina Galperina

ANIMAL stopped by the reception for “Brooklyn Photo Show,” with work by 15 Brooklyn-based photographers spanning 13 years. Ok, I stopped by the show and it was damn solid and I’ll spare you the art speak this time. Beautiful graffiti. Genesis P-Orridge. Rooftop mornings. Jesus dragging a cross through the streets. Neatly packaged weed. Rats flying through the […]

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Aymann Ismail

London has a reputation for serving up some of the worst street food, dubbed “shit in a tray” by locals. But Street Feast at Merchant Yard in Dalston puts that stereotype to rest with weekly food festivities that bring out dozens of local vendors and hundreds of patrons to eat, drink, and socialize culminating into […]

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Justin Wedes

Justin Wedes of Occupy Wall Street is reporting from the front lines of the protests in Turkey for ANIMAL. He’s also tweeting from the field continuously.  I’m walking with Seda, my 18-year old Turkish translator, down Gumussuyu Street that slopes sea-ward out of Gezi Park in downtown Istanbul. She has taken me here to show me where her and her […]

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Allison Bagg

Rupert, Shoreditch. (Photo: Aymann Ismail/ANIMALNewYork) […]

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