June 5, 2013 ANIMAL

If you forgot your laptop on the subway last month, you’re in luck: the MTA will sell it back to you. A treasure trove of possessions that more or less sober New Yorkers forgot on the train is sitting in an MTA storeroom waiting to get picked up. Every night, transit workers collect a mother […]

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Marina Galperina

With every uprising comes the media blackout. When thousands of anti-Erdogan regime protestors marched into Istanbul’s Taksim Square last week, Turkish television was broadcasting penguins. Shortly, #OccupyGezi updates rippled across the internet. Citizen social media channels exploded with photos of police dousing unarmed protestors with pepper spray. An ocean away, Turkish-Americans watched helplessly — alone by their computer […]

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Allison Bagg

Olivia, North Kensington. (Photo: Aymann Ismail/ANIMALNewYork) […]

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June 4, 2013 Marina Galperina

As Soviet Union let out its dying breath, there were massive hoards of angry, hungry citizens pitching tents in Moscow, right at the Kremlin walls. In 1990, these protestors lived in makeshift cities for six months. They questioned their government as it rattled apart. Their signs called for justice, answers, logic… FOOD. But doesn’t it sound familiar? Long […]

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Justin Wedes

Justin Wedes of Occupy Wall Street is reporting from the front lines of the protests in Turkey for ANIMAL all week. He’s also tweeting from the field continuously.  It’s been eight days since the sit-in against a shopping mall development in Istanbul’s Gezi Park and something magical is happening. After extensive police skirmishes in the streets around Gezi, the […]

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Bucky Turco

Why is this man wearing the Victoria Line subway seat pattern, sitting in a Victoria Line subway seat? It’s been “Done.” “Everything’s been fucking done before. That’s kind of how the name came about” says Will Rowley-Conwy to ANIMAL, the original founder of streetwear-ish t-shirt company Done London. The 24-year-old was born and raised in […]

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Andy Cush

“Listen In” is a weekly feature in which we ask musicians to curate a mixtape-length YouTube playlist of songs they’re currently digging. Listening to Cities Aviv’s latest release, 2012’s excellent Black Pleasure, it’s hard not to be wowed and/or disoriented by the sonic landscape. Out is the left-of-center boom-bap that characterized his debut, replaced with music that’s […]

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Daniel Kolitz

Nepotism? What nepotism? Here’s Printed Internet‘s take on the upcoming RollingStone.com content. Previously on Printed Internet […]

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Allison Bagg

Mark, Camden. (Photo: Aymann Ismail/ANIMALNewYork) […]

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June 3, 2013 Kyle Chayka

Technology has a way of giving us our deepest desires, for better or worse. The iPhone is destroying our attention spans. Soon enough, our Google Glass is going to record your life for you, identifying faces and remembering what you did last night. Google’s new mobile operating system is based around the premise of tracking […]

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