April 18, 2013 Andy Cush

Each week in Sample Wars, we’ll pit two songs which sample the same source material head-to-head against each other, to determine which one rocked the sample better. After taking last week off (sorry guys!), we’re back with a very smooth, very funky edition of Sample Wars. We’ll be looking at a little-known French duo called Daft […]

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Julia Dawidowicz

For some reason, it’s often in the dead of night — when most subway trains are virtually empty — that the NYPD enforces the MTA’s one-seat-per-passenger rule. A 24-year old waitress from Sunset Park learned this the hard way, when a late-night commute from her East Village restaurant resulted in a $50 fine and a […]

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Allison Bagg

Hugo, Staten Island. (Photo: ANIMALNewYork) […]

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April 17, 2013 Andy Cush

There’s a distinctly modern aesthetic preoccupation with abandoning strict narrative in favor of immersive sensory experience. Think of the films of Harmony Korine, or the drop-heavy electronic dance music that’s currently en vogue, which shuns the long, slow builds of previous genres and embraces isolated tableaux of overwhelming sound (there’s a reason Skrillex showed up […]

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Kyle Chayka

One reason that human beings create art — whether literary, musical, or visual — is to better understand the world that we live in and how we perceive it. But what happens when that world is suddenly turned upside-down and nothing follows the rules? Struck by an ear disorder that threw his sense of reality out of […]

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Marina Galperina

Jayson Musson, I <3 you. The New York artist’s “Hennessy Youngman” persona aka YouTube’s best art critic is back with a hot new mixtape that recreates the experience of lonely shopping at CVS. Presenting: “CVS Bangers.” CVS BANGERS IS THE AUDIOSCAPE FOR WHEN YOU’RE BUYING TAMPONS OR A 12 PACK OF CONDOMS, A SAMPLING OF THOSE […]

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Allison Bagg

Chris, Hell’s Kitchen. (Photo: Bucky Turco/ANIMALNewYork) […]

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April 16, 2013 Andy Cush

“Listen In” is a weekly feature in which we ask musicians to curate a mixtape-length YouTube playlist of songs they’re currently digging. This week’s playlist comes courtesy of the Boston fuzz-pop band Earthquake Party, and provides a clear lineage for their brand of raggedy, hook-driven jams. Guitarist Justin Lally was kind enough to provide commentary […]

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Marina Galperina

So, this one time, notorious contemporary artists Eva and Franco Mattes showed a couple of people the most horrible videos ever made, dug out of the internet, still embedded in the volunteers brains, goddammit. Their YouTube-style reaction videos were edited into Emily’s Video. It’s a brilliant, devastating 15-minute work of video art. Last seen at the Moving Image […]

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Marina Galperina

“This is currently empty,” says Spotify. EMPTY LIKE MY SOUL. Last time you quit. Do you want to try again? If your entire interface mocking your existence, you are not alone. I mean, you’re “alone,” of course. But… here’s an entire gallery of depressing screenshots, blips and blips of pedestrian digital banality, all very sad. […]

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