April 8, 2013 Marina Galperina

ANIMAL’s feature Artist’s Notebook asks artists to show us their original idea sketch next to a finished piece. This week, we talk to Yoshi Sodeoka about his gorgeous, psychedelic video project Sibyl.  Since 2010, I’ve been working on this prog-rock inspired psychedelic video project called “Sibyl” with my friend Daron Murphy. I’ve been collecting a lot of freaky prog-rock […]

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Julia Dawidowicz

British artist Jessica Harrison created the fleshy sculpture series “Handheld” by extracting the skin off of her own arms and legs and molding them into these wonderfully unsettling mini-furniture pieces. Just kidding. The artist made casts of her hands to create synthetic skin material, but the resemblance is uncanny, no? Moving beyond a bi-directional model, Harrison proposes a […]

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Marina Galperina

Putin is in Amsterdam on business and Amsterdam’s like BOOOOO. And so, a perfect protest has been executed by Amnesty International via these official looking signs posted around the city as “billboards” and “police tape.” This action reminds us of artist Jay Shells’ etiquette signs. That’s awesome. Our favorite is “Punk Bands Strictly Prohibited: Do not frighten president Putin. Keep […]

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Andy Cush

The latest in the seemingly endless barrage of Times Square mascots (and Sesame Street characters) behaving badly came this weekend, as a Cookie Monster named Osvaldo Quiroz-Lopez allegedly punched a two-year-old in the face. The exchange came to  blows came after the tot posed for a picture with Quiroz-Lopez and his mother refused to cough up […]

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Allison Bagg

Tito, Tompkins Square Park. (Photo: Aymann Ismail/ANIMALNewYork) […]

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April 7, 2013 Marina Galperina

You’re up early-ish. Here’s your reward. Prolific French artist and video designer Michaël Borras aka Systaime just made this datamosh and 8-bit cover of our favorite “net-artist” Rihanna’s “Stay” featuring Mikky Ekko. (Datamosh is cool, datamosh is grea-a-at.) Seriously hypnotizing, thanks for making this. Why did he make this? For the fun. 😉 Here’s Systaime’s Rhianna with just datamosh: Here’s […]

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April 5, 2013 Marina Galperina

MoMA is launching its first major exhibit of sound art this summer. Finally! The multidisciplinary exhibit will not only focus on sound pieces but also “architectural interventions” and “visualizations of otherwise inaudible sound” as well as explorations “of how sound ricochets within a gallery” and “a range of field recordings—including echolocating bats, abandoned buildings in […]

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Aymann Ismail

Who wants to see what a $1,900,000 Bugatti looks like? If you’re mystified at how someone can own a car in New York City, these photos from inside the Javits Center aren’t going to help. Check out New York International Auto Show’s shiniest. Vroom. Check back every Friday for a new photo essay. See the […]

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Allison Bagg

Ross, Williamsburg. (Photo: ANIMALNewYork) […]

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April 4, 2013 Marina Galperina

Hey, girl. ANIMAL’s co-pigeoneer and Vine ally Allison Bagg (sup, Vine?) has made you something real special. Shh! Shh… Don’t say anything. This is what the loop was made for. Introducing: The Ryan Cat.   […]

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