March 14, 2013 Aymann Ismail

We stopped by the Bowery mural earlier today to check on the progress. CRASH told us that the mural should be completed by Saturday. There were only a few people hanging around — all either CRASH’s assistants or photographers. Enjoy! (More photos in the gallery.) (Photos: Aymann Ismail/ANIMALNewYork) […]

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Thomas Kemeny

The finest food and drink in New York has to end up somewhere, but even the fanciest of restaurants seem shy about sharing their bathrooms. This series documents those rarely discussed amenities. SAXON + PAROLE 316 Bowery, Noho, Manhattan FRANKIES 570 570 Hudson St, West Village, Manhattan SEL DE MER 374 Graham Ave, East Williamsburg, Brooklyn PT […]

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Andy Cush

Each week in Sample Wars, we’ll pit two songs which sample the same source material head-to-head against each other, to determine which one rocked the sample better. To celebrate the release of Justin Timberlake’s The 20/20 Experience this week, we’re looking at Sly, Slick, & Wicked’s “Sho’ Nuff,” which provides the basis for “Suit & Tie” as well […]

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Marina Galperina

“My pussy is a maze. My pussy is a mirror.” This cray DIY music video was made to promote The Maze & the Mirror, “a dystopian science fiction play” happening at a punk warehouse in Oakland this weekend. “Your favorite future diva” plays the lead and sings the song. Also, by “club” I mean the grass […]

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Marina Galperina

Is this the end of an era or a bluff by the management? The allegedly notorious McKibbin Lofts are known for three things: the Montrose and Morgan L stop proximity (ahem ahem ahem), the packed ‘n’ stacked quasi-mini-cubicle bed-“rooms” in inexplicable shapes and… the parties. Also, that one time the FBI raided McKibbin in 2011 […]

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Allison Bagg

Sanda, Hell’s Kitchen. (Photo: ANIMALNewYork) […]

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March 13, 2013 Marina Galperina

“I wanted to create a game that touched infinity,” Jonathan Minard explains. We’re in the dark lower level of 319 Scholes at the opening Art Hack Day: God Mode. To his right, bio-glitch artists in lab-coats explain How to be Anonymous in the Age of the DNA Surveillance. Behind him, visitors wave their arms, commanding mountains to morph […]

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Bucky Turco

The ever-changing Bowery Wall is about to switch hands again. After a bunch of old school writers surprised street photographer Martha Cooper with a tribute mural over the weekend for her 70th birthday, the mighty CRASH is now getting started. Born John Matos, CRASH is not only a pioneer of graffiti on subway trains, but […]

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Marina Galperina

On the last day of the Moving Image Contemporary Art Fair, project The Shortest Video Art  Ever Sold! #SVAES sold a Vine. You may have read in the Guardian about it today, lulz. Yesterday, the transaction was made by Magda Sawon at the Postmasters Gallery. Tits on Tits on Ikea (2013), Angela Washko, #SVAES. Collection of Myriam Vanneschi vine.co/v/bdugbvxYtYO — […]

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Allison Bagg

Nigel, Bushwick. (Photo: ANIMALNewYork) […]

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