March 12, 2013 Marina Galperina

This is a pretty girl. Her face is bursting with geometry, folding out on itself, blooming outwards, sporing delicate mutations… another eye, another lip, another eye, another lip… Photographer Alma Haser‘s Cosmic Faces series is contra-magical surrealist. After taking portraits of her subjects, she prints and prints and prints their faces, constructing complex origami structured mirroring and distorting their […]

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Dan Speiser

Cab Roulette is a recurring series in which comedian Dan Speiser interviews cab drivers about their experiences on the job. Kulwinder is a Punjabi Indian who probably knows how to party and cannot make sense of American football no matter how hard he tries. Episode 1: Abdulai Episode 2: Tony Episode 3: Adama Episode 4: Santos Episode 5: Sam Episode 6: Chowdhry […]

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Marina Galperina

We’ve been having a lot of fun with the Vine, adapting the nifty 6-second video sharing social media app for various creative mischief — with it can do and with what it supposedly can’t. And no, we didn’t ask permission. We made a 20-second Vine! And you can too! Just watch our instructional video below… Vine can’t […]

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Marina Galperina

“Do not enter.” “No trespassing.” Whatever. Urban explorer extraordinaire Moses Gates is releasing his memoir “Hidden Cities” with Tarcher/Penguin (March 21, 2013). It’s all about “what else is out there,” what happens when you ignore the signs, hop the fence, climb the bridge, go deep down into the tunnels, go to places you’re not supposed to go […]

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Allison Bagg

Allison, Bushwick. (Photo: Ian Bell) […]

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March 11, 2013 Eugene Reznik

Blackout Books was the archetypical “radical bookstore,” a small project started in 1993 by a handful of people selling books from a table during punk shows at the activist center and gallery space ABC No Rio. After about a year of fundraising, they signed a lease for a storefront on Avenue B in the East […]

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Marina Galperina

Dissident Chinese artist Ai Weiwei has just announced that he’s releasing a heavy metal album. It’s inspired by Ai Weiwei’s speculative arrest kidnapping by the Chinese government and the 81 days he spent in detention, particularly the time when his omnipresent guards would ask him to sing songs and he didn’t know any songs, so he […]

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Aymann Ismail

Here’s the “MARTY” mural that graffiti writers LADY PINK, HOW, NOSM, FREE5, TERROR161, CRASH, DAZE, BIO, and FREEDOM finished over the weekend. The mural was a surprise birthday present for legendary graffiti photographer Martha Cooper, who told ANIMAL that “It was more awesome than awesome.” It’s only there for a few days, so take a nice, […]

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Allison Bagg

Peter, the Bronx. (Photo: David Goldemberg) […]

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March 8, 2013 Aymann Ismail

Inspired by Liz Magic Laser’s artistic direction of transparency for the Armory Show, here are our photos of the actual people who go to this prestigious art fair to look at art… sans said art. Please notice how alive John Waters still is. Check back every Friday for a new photo essay. See the photos in the […]

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