March 5, 2013 Dan Speiser

Cab Roulette is a recurring series in which comedian Dan Speiser interviews cab drivers about their experiences on the job. This week’s driver is Ayuud from Pakistan who gets into a heated debate with Dan over gender roles in America versus Pakistan. DISCLAIMER: this guy is pretty old school. Episode 1: Abdulai Episode 2: Tony Episode 3: Adama Episode […]

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Marina Galperina

The thing about hiring competent young people is that other media companies swoop in on them. ANIMAL’s previous interns have been snagged by TIME, USA Today, Huffington Post and more. So, we’re looking for more paid interns who want to make stuff with us (look at this stuff we made last year). Also, we have a […]

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Allison Bagg

Romeo, Chelsea.  (Photo: Meredith Krull) […]

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March 4, 2013 Marina Galperina

ANIMAL’s feature Artist’s Notebook asks artists to show us their original idea sketch next to a finished piece. This week, artist and performer Actually Huzienga talks about her $400 video for “Super Future,” shooting at the Cheetahs strip club and her aesthetic-specific mood boards.  When I write a song, I like to visualize a fantasy… usually my […]

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Andy Cush

What if physical objects were subjected to the same arbitrary usage limits that certain distributors have forced upon perfectly legal, paid-for digital media? That’s the question posed by the DRM Chair (that’s digital rights management to you), a piece of furniture that falls apart in majestic fashion after its internal counter has detected eight uses. […]

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March 1, 2013 Marina Galperina

There’s nothing really that controversial about Marc Bradley Johnson’s art project, but the School of Visual Arts MFA student’s final piece Take This Sperm and Be Free of Me — i.e. 68 vials of his own semen — have been confiscated as a biohazard. Apparently, there are some risks involved in freely dispersing your sperm to strangers over Craigslist.  “I’ve been […]

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Marina Galperina

“Transfer,” what a perfect name for an IRL AFK net art gallery. L Magazine/Art F City reports: opening on March 16th, indie curator Kelani Nichole’s Transfer kicks things off with Alexandra Gorczynski (seen above.) Nichole (of the get>put> project) has previously worked with our favorites F.A.T. Lab. Kelani Nichole tells Whitney Kimball: “We’re building a stripped-down e-commerce platform, where we’re going to sell smaller […]

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Aymann Ismail

Signage? Who needs signage? Take a tour through Brooklyn, where the bars have no names… on the outside. Check back every Friday for a new photo essay. See the photos in the gallery above. (Photos: Aymann Ismail/ANIMALNewYork) […]

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Marina Galperina

“It’s a trade show.” “It’s makes me feel really gross.” “It’s trophy day.” That’s a focus group of New York’s most respected art critics, PhDs, organizers and agents of creative institutions talking about the 100th Armory Show. It demystifies the reasons why some of us feel a disconnect strolling between hundreds of art pieces in […]

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Allison Bagg

Ramez, Chelsea. (Photo: ANIMALNewYork) […]

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