February 26, 2013 Allison Bagg

Roscoe, St Mark’s Place. (Photo: Aymann Ismail/ANIMALNewYork) […]

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February 25, 2013 Marina Galperina

ANIMAL’s feature Artist’s Notebook asks artists to show us their original idea sketch next to a finished piece. This week, artist Cody Critcheloe shows us his sketches for SSION’s new music video “HIGH.” The video was written and directed by Critcheloe and shot in his native Kansas City, conceptualized as “an Americanized Dante’s Inferno.” Come in. Go from […]

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Marina Galperina

Next month, London artist Ron Mueck is having his first major exhibition in Paris since 2005 and for the occasion, he let French photographer Gautier DeBlonde inside his studio to take these photgraphs. Wow. You can see the sculptural hyperrealism master tinkering at the intricate details — softly chiseling gigantic pores into the skin, adjusting the age-spots and frail hairs, polishing […]

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Allison Bagg

Michelle, Manhattan. (Photo: ANIMALNewYork) […]

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February 22, 2013 Marina Galperina

New York-based graphic designer Zhang Qingyun has created a curious and brilliant case study of YOU ON THE INTERNET. For his piece at the “Processed” exhibition at Center 548 in Chelsea, he set up two displays: (1) 50 captions culled from personal Facebook messages, gchats and tweets and (2) correlating Google Image results. Then he let the […]

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Marina Galperina

Hey, sexy internet. Thank you for all your amazing submissions to the… We here at ANIMAL’s #VeryShortFilmFest have had a great time exploring Vine as a social and artistic platform, without asking their permission. We liked those arty and/or XXX-ish 6-minute videos you made. Our awesome judges — Stoya, Casey Neistat, Clayton Cubitt, Nate “Igor” Smith and Zoetica Ebb — […]

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Samer Kalaf

The Harlem Shake is all but dead (hopefully), and people might be voraciously searching for the new horse to beat past death. Gallon smashing–in which one carelessly tosses two gallons of liquid in the air near unsuspecting supermarket patrons as he pretends he slipped– is not it. As hilarious as this is, please don’t make […]

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Aymann Ismail

Times Square is one of the most visited tourist attractions in the world. But it’s easy to get distracted by the big fancy lights and blinking advertisements so here is a gallery of all of the little things you might have missed, close up. Really close up, using that special hacked camera again. Check back every […]

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Marina Galperina

What’s this? A list? Yes, we made a list. Whoop de doo dah. For those special moments when you quote a movie and the other person, for some reason, has never seen said movie and so you awkwardly stand there looking like a creepy asshole… Here’s some bad stuff that sounds worse out of context. 10.  […]

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Allison Bagg

Walter, Hell’s Kitchen. (Photo: ANIMALNewYork) […]

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