June 2, 2014 Marina Galperina

Artists Kim Asendorf and Ole Fach (Gay Check Online, Fuji Cannon) have collaborated on a song about a uberhacker impervious to the NSA, Google, Facebook and all other nefarious entities spying on your personal data, because he is “invisible on the internet, lalalala.” Enjoy the video above and download the mp3 here. Happy Monday. Here are the lyrics, translated into […]

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May 30, 2014 Aymann Ismail

There are some abandoned warehouses in Red Hook that are currently functioning as unsanctioned, indoor graffiti galleries featuring work from the likes of CASH4, SMELLS, Deeker, Keely Cat, Sweet Toof, DROID, Plasma Slugs, SEND HELP, ACID, FALSE, KLOPS, VEW, MENOS, SEM and many, many others. As amazing as the illegal art is — check out […]

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Marina Galperina

The Dance of Reality (2013) El Topo Holy Mountain ☆ film-legend-bro☆ makes 1st feature in 23 years. (Read our interview: “One day I say, I need to make the most mystical scene, a scene that will be very heavy because you are dying, and your woman will ask you to allow her to send the water of faith through […]

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Marina Galperina

The group exhibition بیت بر ثانیه  (Bitrates) opens today at the Dar-ol-Hokoomeh Project in Shiraz, Iran. It will feature a selection from GIFbites curated by Daniel Rourke, who asked 50 artists to create and pair an animated GIF with audio snippets. The complete GIFbites has been streaming online in loop at ad infinitum at Bitrates.GIFbites.com. Accordingly, the above neon-rainbow-hued […]

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May 29, 2014 Sophie Weiner

One of my first experiences upon moving to New York was as a volunteer at the 42nd St. Showpaper Gallery. A few blocks from Grand Central Station and across from a ritzy hotel, it was a strange location for a venue that showcased experimental music and video games. It felt like I’d found my secret […]

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Bucky Turco

When a piece of stenciled art on plywood appeared in Bristol last month affixed to a public wall near the Broad Plains Boys Club, its leader Dennis Stinchcombe couldn’t be certain it was the work of Banksy. The piece depicted a man and woman staring into their cell phone screens, mid embrace, and although it […]

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May 28, 2014 Bucky Turco

The New York Post reports on the staggering proliferation of graffiti in the city that must be driving the new police commissioner insane. According to the tabloid, there was “211 more graffiti complaints this year compared with last year,” noting how “that’s about a 5 percent spike citywide, from 3,956 to 4,167.” A whole 211 […]

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May 27, 2014 Bucky Turco

Massimo Vignelli, titan of graphic design, passed away today at the age of 83. Vignelli was responsible for modernizing the look of New York City’s subway signage, and created iconic branding for companies like Bloomingdales, American Airlines, among others. A few weeks ago, after hearing that Vignelli was terminally ill, and that his son Luca […]

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Andy Cush

On the stretch of Graham Avenue between Maujer and Stagg Streets, blocks from the Montrose L Train station, there’s a line of empty storefronts. In a neighborhood as white-hot as Williamsburg, they’re an unusual sight — because they’ve sat unoccupied for at least a year, but also because of their owner: the New York City […]

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Marina Galperina

ANIMAL’s feature Artist’s Notebook asks artists to show us their original “idea sketch” next to a finished artwork or project. This week, artist Alex McLeod talks about his digital work inspired by an interesting ceiling and unsatisfaction. I was commuting to teach at Guelph University twice a week last term and would spend hours in the coach terminal. […]

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