The new face of Williamsburg’s iconic, abandoned Domino Sugar Factory has been revealed. Two Trees Management, which bought the property for $160 million last year, enlisted Barclays Center masterminds ShoP Architects to helm the project’s design, and the result is remarkable and sure to be polarizing: there’s a giant “O” -shaped high-rise that reportedly will […]
If you’re a drinker, chances are there’s been a time when you’ve walked past a beer truck or warehouse and idly wondered how easy it would be t0 rip it off for all the booze you’d like. If you’re like most people, chances are the thought left your head as quickly as it appeared and […]
Rhea, West Village. (Photo: ANIMALNewYork) […]
The pop-up “I.R.L” exhibit is screening the work of more than 50 artists at the corner of Bowery & Kenmare through March 5th. (Photo: Ronen Shai) […]
There’s nothing really that controversial about Marc Bradley Johnson’s art project, but the School of Visual Arts MFA student’s final piece Take This Sperm and Be Free of Me — i.e. 68 vials of his own semen — have been confiscated as a biohazard. Apparently, there are some risks involved in freely dispersing your sperm to strangers over Craigslist. “I’ve been […]
Yarn Bomb Queen of the Universe Olek premiered her solo exhibition, The End is Far, at the Jonathan LeVine Gallery in Chelsea this week. The show, inspired by her year-long house arrest following a violent altercation with that drunk guy in London, whisks visitors away to Olek’s pink-and-gold camouflage crochet heaven. Expanding on her signature […]
Maybe you saw those ‘aerial’ photos last week of Hong Kong’s cramped apartments where “square-footage count routinely dips into double digits”? Today, the Daily News has dug up photos of similar housing over in Tokyo where “communal” spaces make Bloomberg’s micro-apartments look like mansions. This morgue-like housing kind of brings a whole new meaning to […]
Scientists at the Tufts’ Center for Regenerative and Developmental Biology have successfully “grown” functioning eyes for tadpoles by planting eye primordia in a tadpole’s tail and having it develop into an eyeball, with nerves and everything. To prove that the newly grown eye actually worked, scientists humanely cut and removed the original eyes from the […]
“Transfer,” what a perfect name for an IRL AFK net art gallery. L Magazine/Art F City reports: opening on March 16th, indie curator Kelani Nichole’s Transfer kicks things off with Alexandra Gorczynski (seen above.) Nichole (of the get>put> project) has previously worked with our favorites F.A.T. Lab. Kelani Nichole tells Whitney Kimball: “We’re building a stripped-down e-commerce platform, where we’re going to sell smaller […]
In January, Melville House reported a story about the Nabokov Museum at his estate outside St. Petersburg being vandalized by a group “unable,” among other things, “to separate fact from fiction.” It had a tone vaguely reminiscent of an Onion piece and described how a small group, going by some combination of “Orthodox Cossacks” and “free […]