Barneys Claims It Didn’t Racially Profile Shopper It Totally Racially Profiled

In court documents filed this week, luxury retailer Barneys says it didn’t violate anyone’s civil rights by calling the police on a 20-year-old black man who bought an expensive belt from Barneys’ Madison Avenue flagship in 2013. “At most, (Barneys) is merely alleged to have notified the NYPD of plaintiff’s purchase. Simply providing information to […]

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Fuck the Police (State): Artists Protest Removal of Edward Snowden Sculpture With Ghostly Projection

Inspired by the Edward Snowden bust that guerrilla artists erected atop a Brooklyn war monument on Monday morning, a different group of artists returned to the site hours after officials dismantled the illegal statue. They deployed the Illuminator to project an eerie blue image over the column where the 100-pound bust had stood earlier. In […]

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Taxi Drivers Rally In Solidarity With Uber Driver Because Police Abuse Is So Damn Common

Four days after footage of a verbal tirade that a member of the NYPD’s Joint Terrorism Task Force unleashed on an Uber driver went viral, taxi and livery drivers rallied outside Penn Station to call attention to a plight that they say is a frequent occurrence. “This is common, this is happening all the time,” […]

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The Alleged Jihadist ‘Bad Bitches’ May Have Been Set Up

On April 2nd, Noelle Velentzas and Asia Siddiqui, sensationally self-described as “bad bitches” who were “all about jihad,” were arrested and accused of plotting to build an explosive device for “ISIS-inspired” attacks in the United States. Both women, residents of Queens and U.S. citizens, are described as having sympathies with radical Islam. Siddiqui allegedly had […]

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Former Occupy Protester Launches OWS Walking Tour

In 2011, Michael Pellagatti was one of the thousands of protesters of Occupy Wall Street who gathered in Zucotti Park to rally against the nation’s crippling financial system. In 2015, he continues to roam those streets to keep its memory alive and ensure the message is present in the area the international movement started. For […]

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Detective Union Boss Is Being A Cry Baby About Cop Who Yelled at Uber Driver

Police union leaders are not known for their strong grasp of reality. Here’s another one: Detectives Endowment Association President Michael Palladino complained during a Thursday press conference about Commissioner Bratton’s discipling of Detective Patrick Cherry, who was placed on modified duty after he was caught on video verbally abusing an Uber driver. According to DNAinfo, […]

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Police Impunity Is Endemic, Down to Double Parking

On Wednesday The Village Voice published an investigation into a constant problem plaguing a Midtown block: Police officers’ personal vehicles are hogging every space on 36th Street between 8th and 9th Avenues. The scope of the story is small, but it illustrates the systemic dysfunction of how the NYPD operates; the gang-like, fuck-everyone-but-us mentality and […]

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Asshole Cop Shouts Xenophobic Rant Into Uber Driver’s Face

A Hank Schrader-looking plainclothes cop asked an Uber driver how long he’d been in the country as part of a vicious tirade during a traffic stop. According to passenger Sanjay Seth, who recorded the video, the officer began parallel parking without turning on his blinker; when the driver honked, the cop came over and unleashed […]

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