Max Payne Realizes
He’s In A Video Game

Artist Jon Rafman’s video A Man Digging uses video captured inside Max Payne 3, the notoriously experiential killing-based video game, and reworks it into a short film. In it, Payne, the troubled and traumatized former NYPD detective, now a vigilante São Paulo, realizes he exists, but exists in a designed and very limited space. He narrates various scenes, just after carnage. “Payne […]

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Weed Decriminalization Comes to Brooklyn?

Brooklyn District Attorney Ken Thompson — who said he would stop prosecuting small-time pot possession offenses during his campaign — is making good on that promise. According to a memo published in the Post, anyone with a clean criminal record who is arrested for possession of up to two ounces of weed or smoking in public in […]

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This Fire Hydrant Generates $25,000 a Year for the City

The city’s most valuable fire hydrant is on Forsyth Street between Rivington and Delancey. Cops handed out 84 tickets to drivers who parked in front of the hydrant between August and December of last year, netting $9,660 in fines. Extrapolated out, that’s $25,000 a year. The data blogger Ben Wellington of I Quant NY, who […]

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City Cracks Down on Dollar Vans

Getting a cheap ride down Atlantic or Flatbush Avenue may get more difficult, as the NYPD is aggressively going after dollar vans, those unlicensed commuter vehicles that whip up and down Brooklyn’s main drags. The community group Equality for Flatbush is fighting back. “Most drivers are Caribbean or people of color,” Imani Henry, an organizer with the […]

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“Birth of a Nation”
at Exit Room Gallery

Last week, ANIMAL attended “Birth of a Nation,” an ironically titled group show referencing D. W. Griffith’s notorious KKK propaganda film of the same name. It took place at the Exit Room Gallery in Brooklyn and features the work of LNY, Mata Ruda, NDA, Sonni, and Icy & Sot, collectively calling themselves Ñewmerica — an unpretentious, likeminded […]

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Exploring Off-Limits New York

“I don’t really associate with urban explorers, but I think I do more than photography,” 2e says. It’s midnight, snowing a bit, and 2e is biking towards the abandoned warehouses in Greenpoint. Later that night, he’ll climb a smoke stack on top of the Domino Sugar Factory and poke around the Underbelly Project. But at […]

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Street Artist Judith Supine Arrested and It Wasn’t Even for Street Art

According to CBS, the once anonymous street artist who goes by the name Judith Supine surrendered to police earlier today, accompanied by his lawyer. The work that he gratuitously puts on the street had nothing to do with it. Identified as Brendan Fagan, he’s facing reckless endangerment and trespass charges for allegedly scaling the Queensborough Bridge. […]

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Ray Kelly’s Brother Called a Radio Show to Badmouth Bratton

The only ex-cop with a bigger mouth than former NYPD commissioner Ray Kelly, it seems, is his brother. After current top cop Bill Bratton remarked that the department under Kelly had “awful morale” after excessive use of stop-and-frisk, Donald Kelly, 79, called the “Curtis & Kuby” show on WABC to air his grievances. “I’m mad […]

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Brooklyn Cops Throw Teenage Girl Through Restaurant Window

The above video shows the tail end of an incident yesterday in which NYPD officers allegedly slammed a 16-year-old girl’s face against the floor of a Downtown Brooklyn Chinese restaurant and threw a 15-year-old girl through the establishment’s front window, shattering it. According to witnesses, the altercation began when cops ordered everyone out of the […]

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Woman Slashes Tourists With High Heel Shoe

Yes, tourists are troublesome sometimes. But when you find yourself irked, please try not to remove your Manolos, take them in your hand, and slash the out-of-towners with the spike, like Annemarie Chavez did. Especially if they’re old people. A 60-year-old man, his 51-year old wife, and their 19-year-old son were attempting to exit a parking […]

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