March 20, 2013 Julia Dawidowicz

British police have mailed out “scratch and sniff” cards to homes throughout England, imploring vigilant civilians to join their ongoing hunt for illicit weed growers. Apparently, merely describing the telltale signs of weed cultivation, such as “a strong and sickly sweet smell; visitors at unsociable hours; strong and constant lighting day and night and lots […]

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March 7, 2013 Samer Kalaf

This should be common knowledge by now, but the police can’t tell you to stop taking photos of them in public. Your right to do so is protected by not one, not two, but three amendments. The U.S. Department of Justice has just supported a photojournalist Mannie Garcia’s lawsuit against the Montgomery County police after […]

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February 15, 2013 Samer Kalaf

2 Chainz did not have a good Valentine’s Day. He was arrested in Maryland while on his way to perform at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, but that’s not even the worst part. After arresting Mr. Chainz, 2 copz asked to take a picture with the rapper. The artist formerly known as Tity Boi […]

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