September 13, 2013 Andy Cush

Apparently, NYPD cops needed to be reminded that there’s a difference between Native Americans and South Asians, as a recent memo from the department clarified that people from India are Asian-American. The mixups happen when cops are filing police reports involving people of Indian descent and accidentally check the box marked “American Indian.” “Like any […]

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May 15, 2013 Andy Cush

Canpire, a Canadian company with the stated mission of “[utilizing] advanced technologies and investigative techniques to mitigate piracy loss resulting from the illegal distribution of digitized content,” was caught, um, illegally distributing digitized content. On its website, the company used this image, clearly labeled “All Rights Reserved” from photographer Steve Houk, without obtaining his permission. Houk told […]

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March 28, 2013 Andy Cush

Harlem’s Chipped Cup coffee house proudly displayed the above sandwich board yesterday, signaling their support for marriage equality in the face of the Supreme Court’s hearings on DOMA this week (just like Willie Nelson did).When they posted a photo of the sign to Facebook, one former patron got all upset, telling the cafe’s owners to […]

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