Tag: Film
The new documentary Ai Weiwei: The Fake Case documentary (directed by Andreas Johnsen) begins where Never Sorry left off. It focuses on the questionable charges, constant surveillance, police harassment and further censorship that the rebellious artist faced after being kidnapped and imprisoned by government goons. After 81 days of solitary detention world famous Chinese artist Ai Weiwei is put under house arrest. […]
The new trailer for Doug Liman’s Edge of Tomorrow is here. Click above to watch. Tom Cruise is a soldier with a robo-suit battling aliens in the future. Then he dies. Then he wakes up earlier that day. Then he goes to battle aliens. Then he dies. Then he wakes up earlier that day. Yes, I know. Groundhog […]
The above short film looks at Hong Kong’s neon signs industry, which boomed decades ago but is now slowing down thanks to the advent of LED and a less robust economy. The documentary includes interviews with both the calligraphers who design the type and the neon workers who build the signs, as well as lots of […]
Above, watch the trailer for Graves of Arthur Kill, a short documentary about a Staten Island haven for dilapidated, decommissioned boats. The production value looks a little low, but it’s worth watching for all of the beautiful decay on display. “It appeals to a certain mindset,” director Gary Kane told DNAinfo. “People who love the waterfront and are into […]
Interior. Leather Bar. (2013) Went to Francofest thought this is going to be James Franco reenacting 40 minutes of explicit gay S&M sex cut out of Cruising, but it’s really a 60-minute meta-documentary of James Franco trying to reenact 40 minutes of explicit gay S&M sex cut out of Cruising AND IT WAS VERY FUCKING GOOD WTF (ノ゚0゚)ノ~~ ATTABOY FRANCO: 4.5 out of 5.0 Francoly, […]
Believe it or not, being thrust into a parasitic relationship with a tiny helpless human is not the end of life as you know it. At noon on Wednesday, March 26th, some movie-loving breeders of New York City have the option of seeing Lars Von Trier’s Nymphomaniac Volume 1 — with their babies! The special lunchtime “Rattle & Reel” […]
“I have been shooting and producing it over the past 2 years and we just launched a Kickstarter to raise money to complete the film,” writes director Daniel Levin in an email to ANIMAL of The Legend of Swee’ Pea, his documentary on legendary and legendarily troubled Brooklyn basketball player Lloyd Daniels. Daniels made his name in […]
“One day I say, I need to make the most mystical scene, a scene that will be very heavy because you are dying, and your woman will ask you to allow her to send the water of faith through her body and she will PISS IN YOUR FACE!” Dressed in layers of black, Alejandro Jodorowsky […]
The above clip, by film student Ali Shirazi, splices together the centerpiece fight scenes from Kill Bill Volume 1 and Gangs of New York, turning two hyper-violent battles into one big bloodbath. The audio editing is seamless too, so that all the gurgling grunts and clanging of swords mesh together into a symphony of sound-design death. Watch it above. […]
“The old sent us to die and we hated them.” The new documentary Matt Wolf examines a most transient of identities. Teenage is comprised of archival footage of adolescent groups through the decades — flappers, punks, etc. — and anonymous narrations of once-teenagers. “We didn’t always exist.” How did the youth (aged roughly 16-24) became labeled and recognized […]