March 3, 2014 Marina Galperina

James Franco the “astonishingly prolific polymath” and actor has unleashed an impressively massive body work, wildly varying in mediums and quality. Now, Franco’s directorial body of work is invading Manhattan’s IFC Center for their “FrancoFest,” March 5th – March 13 and he will be appearing in person eight times. It is a lot of Franco. Screening […]

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February 15, 2013 Marina Galperina

Remember when the internet was all like waa-waa what’s with this The Canyons movie is it even coming out waa-waa-waaaa? Well, IN YOUR FACE! Hold on, I need James Deen’s help for this… [Insert a gratitutously pornographic GIF here involving someone’s face accosted by a James Deen apendage of your choice here*] IFC is picking up The Canyons for […]

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