Of Course UK Lawmakers Are Watching Porn at Work

September 5, 2013 | Andy Cush

If David Cameron is serious about ending the scourge of pornography in the UK, he might want to look in his own backyard first. According to a report filed after a Freedom of Information request from Huffington Post UK, British “MPs, Lords and parliamentary staff” have attempted to access websites classified as pornographic from their work computers nearly 300,000 times in the past year. What, no one told them about Cameron-friendly porn?

Parliamentary officials, perhaps predictably, responded by acting exactly like a pubescent kid who doesn’t understand the concept of “browser history.” “We do not consider the data to provide an accurate representation of the number of purposeful requests made by network users due to the variety of ways in which websites can be designed to act, react and interact and due to the potential operation of third party software,” said a House of Commons spokeswoman Wednesday.

In other words, “It wasn’t us! We thought xhamster.com was a website for pet lovers!”

Don’t hate the MPs, though; hate the PM. Are you telling me you’ve never done it?