Catskills Art Trip: Music Hack Lab

May 15, 2014 | ANIMAL

A little while ago, ANIMAL took a trip to the Catskills and took over a motel transforming four of the rooms into non-traditional pop-up art experiences in a series of videos for Lincoln Now! For our most collaborative mini-installation, we worked with an experimental tech crew that made it possible for a violinist and an artist to live perform an audio-visual piece based of Mozart’s Violin Concerto No. 3. Watch the video above and find out more here.

Artist Shantell Martin, famed for her very recognizable stream-of-consciousness free-hand drawings, felt challenged at first, but with violinist Sarah Fylak and music hackers CJ Carr, James Staubb and Ian Battenfield Headley, she learned to modulate Sarah’s violin sounds by drawing, altering and live-remixing the piece.

“The concerto was incredible for me to play in this context,” Sarah told us. “It really brought the two portions of my life together: classical structure and improvisation. It was really profound for me to meld those two together tonight, based on Shantell’s illustrations.”

Keep an eye out for more episodes from the ANIMAL’s Catskills Art Trip.

(Video: Aymann Ismail/ANIMALNewYork)