Russia Loses Control Of Satellite Full Of Horny Geckos

July 25, 2014 | Sophie Weiner

Russia recently launched a satellite full of geckos into space, in order to obverse their mating activities in zero-gravity conditions. The satellite has now stopped responding to commands sent by mission control. But the equipment on board is still sending data back to Earth, a spokesperson for the Russia’s Institute of Biomedical Problems told the Wall Street Journal.

“Specialists of the main mission control group are currently working to establish sustainable contact with the satellite and implement the planned program for the flight,” the spaceship company Progress, who built the satellite, stated on their website, according to Interfax. “Its configuration and onboard equipment allow the satellite to function autonomously for a lengthy period of time.”

This is a pretty sweet deal for the geckos, who are probably having carefree gravity-less sex at this very moment, and will be for quite some time.