The Feds Can Smell The Cocaine In Your Shoes

September 30, 2014 | Marina Galperina

A woman was arrested at JFK airport for smuggling 3.7 pounds of cocaine inside her platform shoes and pocketbook.

Janisha Atkins, 33, was flying in from Montego Bay with a pink and purple suitcase in her luggage when “officers noticed a strong odor coming from her pocketbook and two pairs of platform shoes, which also seemed unusually heavy,” reports the Daily News

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers were drawn to an alleged smell of cocaine (or whatever she used to cover up what 3.7 pounds of cocaine possibly smells like). Atkins was charged with importation of a controlled substance. The agency’s spokesman estimated their street value at $64,000.

Also, people get caught with cocaine in their shoes all the time. That might be a bad place to hide cocaine. (Images: Toms, Consumer Affairs)