Category: News
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Public urination is a very low-level offense, usually written up as a violation with a $50 fine. It’s one of the broken-windows offenses that the City Council wants to decriminalize, since it happens so often; is not that big of a deal; and disproportionately affects non-criminals like Ryan Scails, who was violently shoved into a […]
Ishmael, Bed Stuy. (Photo: Aymann Ismail/ANIMALNewYork) […]
A young attendee takes in artist Shellyne Rodriguez’s mousetrap chandelier at “No Longer Empty,” an exhibit inside the Old Bronx Borough Courthouse. (Photo: Scott Lynch/ANIMALNewYork) […]
A group of Muslims are reclaiming the name of Islam’s prophet, “Muhammad” — which also happens to be the most common name in the world — after professional racist Pamela Geller asked people to draw cartoons dehumanizing him. Geller, who runs an anti-Muslim hate group called the American Freedom Defense Initiative, is perhaps most well-known […]
Amongst Banksy imitators, Hanksy ain’t got shit on Wanksy, an anonymous street art vigilante who draws pictures of dicks around potholes in Manchester, England, with the intention of attracting attention to the holes so they get fixed. As the English would say, it’s right bloody brilliant. Photo: Facebook It’s working, too. The dick holes are […]
This Friday, the Empire State Building will be lit up in spectacular fashion: For the first time ever, it will be illuminated by projections of paintings by Andy Warhol, Mark Rothko, Jasper Johns and several other celebrated artists whose works reside in the Whitney Museum. The occasion, according to New York Times, is two-fold: to […]
Hector Morejon, a 19-year-old resident of the California city of Long Beach, was shot and killed by an officer on Thursday, the Los Angeles Times first reported. He was unarmed. The officer, who has not yet been publicly identified, responded to a report that people were trespassing and vandalizing a vacant home on Thursday afternoon. […]
Kelvin Smith, who the New York Post calls a “career Bronx drug criminal,” was arrested Saturday morning when he was caught trying to board a US Airways flight to somewhere in the Caribbean with 18 pounds of weed, 2.8 ounces of crack, and 3 ounces of psilocybin mushrooms in his carry-on luggage. “This just shows […]
For more than five years now, the non-profit No Longer Empty team has been taking over some of the city’s grand old abandoned buildings and, without much cleanup or fussiness (you usually have to sign a waiver to get in), transforming them into giant art installations. They use or commission pieces that play off the […]
Cops in Fort Greene are handing out tickets to cyclists like Oprah giving out cars, probably yelling, “You get a ticket! And you get a ticket! And you get a ticket!” to riders caught running red lights. Summons for bicycle-related offenses have increased 600 percent in the 88th Precinct this past month, DNAinfo reports (from […]