April 22, 2015 Prachi Gupta

In honor of Earth Day, the La Guardia and Wagner Archives have released a 1980s-era water conservation ad sponsored by former Mayor Ed Koch when the city was in the middle of one of its worst droughts of the century. (What other time could a slogan like “Keep New York wet” catch on?). The cheesy […]

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The Dusty Rebel

Donning a ghoulish white mask and black hoodie, a mysterious figure has been attracting the attention of passersby in Manhattan lately. The poetic harbinger of doom and spokesman for the “rats in the walls” chalks strange occult symbols on the ground and hands out flyers celebrating graffiti writers who “eat trains and live forever.” Other […]

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Prachi Gupta

An Islamophobic ad that suggest Muslims want to kill Jews is protected by the First Amendment, says a federal Manhattan judge, and therefore the MTA must run them. A description of the ad, per the New York Times: The ad shows a man with a scarf across his face next to the words, “Killing Jews […]

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Bucky Turco

Sly, Williamsburg. (Photo: Bucky Turco/ANIMALNewYork) […]

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April 21, 2015 Aymann Ismail

Earlier today, a giant weed leaf flew over Manhattan and it was all our fault. (Photo: Aymann Ismail/ANIMALNewYork) […]

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Prachi Gupta

Japanese artist Sebastian Masuda, who helped bring “kawaii culture” mainstream, wants to create a giant, cute time capsule in the shape of a Japanese bear in New York City. In this interactive art project, called Time After Time people are encouraged to fill a semi-transparent bear-like character with keepsakes and other personal items, creating a […]

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Prachi Gupta

When it comes to wealth, New York County is “the most unequal county in the US,” according to Queens College professor and sociologist Andrew Beveridge. He explained the phenomenon in a recent talk at the Symposium on Inequality and reported by CityLab. After climbing in the 1990s and 2000s, median income is back down to […]

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Between December and January, five banners demonizing Mayor Bill de Blasio flew through New York City’s skies while cops were turning their backs to him during the Eric Garner protests. On January 16, three days after the fifth and craziest banner flew (“DE BLASIO GET OFF THE POT. RESIGN. WE ❤ NYPD“), ANIMAL decided it […]

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Prachi Gupta

There’s a “little-known loophole” in the law that doesn’t require front seat passengers and children under 16 from wearing a seat belt in a cab, the New York Daily News but a new proposal in the works may change that. According to one city official, the de Blasio administration is seeking to require front seat […]

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Liam Mathews

On the night of April 19, Norwood, New Jersey resident Stephen Sinisi was attacked by a coyote while he walked his dog. The next day, CBS New York reports, animal control officers captured an aggressive coyote, but it was from a different pack, as the officers discovered two separate dens. Norwood is under siege from […]

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