Category: News
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MoMA is launching its first major exhibit of sound art this summer. Finally! The multidisciplinary exhibit will not only focus on sound pieces but also “architectural interventions” and “visualizations of otherwise inaudible sound” as well as explorations “of how sound ricochets within a gallery” and “a range of field recordings—including echolocating bats, abandoned buildings in […]
UK-born Nathan Walsh specializes in creating elaborate photorealistic paintings of major cities, but whatever, here are the ones from New York. From Times Square to the Queensboro Bridge to Brighton Beach, we could spend a long time navigating each meticulous detail of his pieces. One of the most interesting aspects of Walsh’s work is his […]
Ever wonder where all those nifty props, set pieces, and period costumes go once a play stops running? The East Village’s Fourth Arts Block has come up with a “junk” repurposing solution where everyone wins: tomorrow they will be giving away old furniture, clothes, and other theatrical goodies to the public for free. I repeat, […]
Hacker and internet activist “Weev” was sentenced to 41 monthes in prison recently for his part in exposing a security flaw in AT&T’s network and collecting email addresses and information from an estimated 100,000 iPad users, but he has not been silenced . Weev has been tweeting from prison via TRULINCS, a new government program which provides inmates with some limited computer access, […]
Evoland bills itself as a playable history of video games: It starts in 8-bit, with minimal color, limited abilities, and no sound effects, and as you progress, the game’s specs evolve along with you. The color palette gets wider, graphics get better, and your hero learns how to move in different ways and use new […]
According to the latest Pew Research Center poll, 52 percent of Americans are cool with legalizing weed, which is one of the most encouraging developments of modern U.S. history. It’s also a marked change from the late 1960s when people who took polls really sucked: “A 1969 Gallup survey found that just 12% favored legalizing […]
Who wants to see what a $1,900,000 Bugatti looks like? If you’re mystified at how someone can own a car in New York City, these photos from inside the Javits Center aren’t going to help. Check out New York International Auto Show’s shiniest. Vroom. Check back every Friday for a new photo essay. See the […]
Earlier today, a federal judge ruled that levonorgestrel-based “morning-after” pills should be made available over-the-counter and to all women of reproductive age. Up until now, girls younger than 17 needed a prescription to obtain emergency contraceptives, a policy that U.S. District Judge Edward Korman of NY called “arbitrary, capricious and unreasonable.” The ruling is a […]
A new Vice documentary series premieres on HBO in which founder of Vice Magazine Shane Smith along with his crew are up to their usual antics. If you were worried that they were going to go somewhere miserable and culturally complicated and be all like “What’s up with all that rape, huh?” — we caught the […]
A certain teenage male celebrity has made tabloid farts for this “new photo” of a horrible stick-n-poke that he did on someone named Bang Bang (or somewhere named Bang Bang) and it looks like this. Hahahaha. Wait. Hold on. This is brilliant. SWAGGY. Holy shit. It’s like a Russian toddler prison camp tattoo. (F.A.T. artist Greg […]