Category: News
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Each week in Sample Wars, we’ll pit two songs which sample the same source material head-to-head against each other, to determine which one rocked the sample better. In this week’s installment we’re looking at Miles Davis’s “Miles Runs the Voodoo Down,” which inspired two modern legends in their own right: Radiohead and Madlib (via his group Lootpack). […]
Ding ding ding, new arty app alert! KYUR8 just launched this week and… hold one minute while a make a photo zine. Ok, done! The app basically does two things: Allows you to create sleek, flippable mini-magazines in-phone with photos from your pic roll, Instagram, Facebook, etc. etc., just by tapping in assets into a […]
Last month, we posted the trailer to Police Mortality, a 66-minute supercut of footage from various Hollywood films that tells a story of NYPD violence. “It’s about an existential crisis in the NYPD that results in terrorism, communism, OWS and total freedom,” the film’s creators told us at the time. “It stars Will Smith, Bruce Willis, Robocop, […]
Michael Malice is a very successful celebrity ghostwriter, co-authoring books with D.L. Hughley and Bret Michaels, and then there was this one time Harvey Pekar wrote a book about him. For his seventh book, he’s doing something crazy. Also, he’s never going back to North Korea. “I would never go back there,” Malice tells ANIMAL. “People go to the gulag if […]
In Colorado, where it’s legal to possess weed for recreational use but still a crime to sell it, one former NASA scientist is teaching enterprising smokers how to grow their own perfectly legal bud at home. The name of his cannabis classroom: HASH (High Altitude School of Hydroponics). Dale J. Chamberlain cut his teeth designing and building […]
City Council passed a resolution yesterday calling for the city of New York to “acknowledge the years of suffering of all those involved in the Central Park jogger case,” including five men whose convictions were overturned, and the assaulted jogger herself. The decision, sponsored by councilman Charles Barron, comes after a lawsuit from the convicted […]
Estelle, Greenpoint. (Photo: ANIMALNewYork) […]
Behold tomorrow’s stop-and-friskers today. (Photo: Aymann Ismail/ANIMALNewYork) […]
No, you do not piss on your iPhone. Mumbai-based innovator Myshkin Ingawale, who previously invented a needle-less hemoglobin testing system, brings us Ucheck, the world’s first visual urine testing app. To use Uchek, all you need to do is pee in a cup, insert a dipstick into said cup, and snap a photo of the […]
Brooklyn-based writer Josh Kurp and photographer Nadia Chaudhury set off recently on an independent “Breaking Bad” tour of Albuquerque, New Mexico, which has a lot going for it, like its meth, and a major TV show shot on-location there about its meth. #Meth. Walter White’s house, Heisenberg’s hat, Los Pollos Hermanos, Skyler’s storage unit, the […]