February 20, 2013 Samer Kalaf

It’s only natural that in this stage of the progression of the Harlem Shake meme, someone would go to Harlem and find out what its residents thought of the ersatz Harlem Shake. Surprise! They think it’s stupid and weird, because when you put your name on something and that something looks like “humping,” as one […]

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Andy Cush

Swedish artist Gunilla Klingberg highlights the intersection of capitalism and religion in her Wheel of Everyday Life, an installation currently on display at Rice University’s Rice Gallery. The piece, a giant mandala composed of repeating brand logos, gets at how consumer-facing corporations have infiltrated our daily rhythms. “My intention is to make a work..that invades the space […]

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Marina Galperina

Hey, Dinos. Didn’t you promise the sounds of “a naked mole-rat plucked untimely from its snuggly basement-burrow, on its back, all squirmy, exposed to the sun’s dissecting rays” with “the industrial pulse of T/G, wilful experimentation of Stockhausen and impish playfulness of Squarepusher, but sounds like none of them.” It sounds like none of them. […]

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Andy Cush

Last fall, Angelo Carusone started a petition asking Macy’s to drop Donald Trump as a spokesperson, citing the real estate mogul’s history of sexist and race-baiting behavior. The petition quickly gained over 600,000 signatures, but Macy’s refused to budge. Now, Trump and his legal team are threatening Carusone with a $25 million lawsuit for his […]

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Andy Cush

A new analysis of MTA data by NYU grad student Carson Qing shows that the L train is every bit as busy at 1am every night of the week as it is during the traditional weekday rush hours. Qing believes the data shows that the MTA should increase service on the Canarsie-bound train, which has […]

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Andy Cush

Noting the uptick in reported rodent activity since Hurricane Sandy flushed many of the critters inland, Councilwoman Jessica Lappin is calling on the city to enact a $500,000 plan to beat back the dirty rats. “As New Yorkers, we have a certain level of tolerance for rats,” she said. “But this is a real public […]

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Allison Bagg

Gus, Hell’s Kitchen. (Photo: ANIMALNewYork) […]

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February 19, 2013 Marina Galperina

Doug Aitken’s ART piece constantly pumps out moist dirt at the “100 Years” exhibit at the Gallery 303 in Chelsea. (Photo: Tim Schreier/Flickr) […]

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Marina Galperina

Gotcha!!! Made you look. My name is James Deen, and I made a movie called The Canyons, directed by Paul Schrader, written by Bret Easton Ellis, and starring Lindsay Lohan and me… Porn actor James Deen wrote a rather earnest, straight-forward article about his experience in The Daily Beast. You should read it. I mean, yeah, yeah, […]

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Samer Kalaf

In this 15th-century tome of government letters from the Republic of Ragusa, we finally have concrete proof that attention-hungry cats have enjoyed fucking up our shit while we’re trying to work for centuries, as evidenced by the inky pawprints plopped on the pages. This relic from the past also reminds us of @shitmycatstype, a Twitter […]

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