Category: News
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The NYPD has released a report detailing the precinct and racial demographics of all stop-and-frisks from 2011, after receiving pressure from the New York Civil Liberties Union. The results are astounding, and just another indication of the racial profiling and bias that goes into the practice. Ninety percent of stops in all of the city […]
A group of Scottish scientists has pulled off what they believe to be the first instance of 3D-printing using human embryonic stem cells. They believe the breakthrough could lead to synthetic organs used for drug testing–removing innocent animals from the process and giving more accurate results on how a drug interacts with human tissue–and eventually […]
We’re all cyborgs. Technology has become so omnipresent in each of our lives that our brains have begun engaging in new behaviors that are molded around it, argues technologist and entrepreneur Amber Case. And to help us better understand the ways in which that’s happening, she’s created the Illustrated Dictionary of Cyborg Anthropology, a volume that […]
When Rep. Carolyn Maloney announced she would be seeking to have the 77th Street 6 Train station renamed in honor of the late former mayor Ed Koch, the MTA was firm that it wouldn’t happen. Now, Maloney appears to have taken the hint, and is withdrawing her request to make the renaming happen, in favor […]
Maryanne, Tudor City. (Photo: Aymann Ismail/ANIMALNewYork) […]
NYPD helicopters fly in formation for Ed Koch (RIP), a once popular mayor who elected officials are now hoping to rename every part of the city after. (Photo: Joe Schumacher/Flickr) […]
Ooh. This is better than the last new Nick Cave video — the shadow-strolls-through-forest-moodily that Gaspar Noé’s directed. Sorry, Noé. Heart you. From the Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds 15th album Push the Sky Away (yes, you can pre-order), featuring Ray Winstone, here is the “Jubilee Street” music video directed by John Hillcoat. Hillcoat directed The Proposition, which was awesome/written […]
Emerging mixed-media artist Jeremiah Johnson (not this one) will present his solo exhibit Never Enough in Chelsea this month, making his NYC debut. He was raised on a fruit and flower farm (awwww) in a region of Pennsylvania that has recently fallen victim to the Fracking Industry, something that has deeply influenced his art. Johnson […]
When Russian volcano Plosky Tolbachik erupted in November, a team from the non-profit photo project AirPano dropped everything and flew a helicopter over Kamchatka to film the dangerous spectacle. You have two very safe ways to enjoy this: This mind-blowing 360-degree interactive panorama and this totally wild interactive helicopter ride — you get to “control” the camera while exploring the otherworldly […]
Groan. THAT IS NOT ART. But look at those visitors of Tate Modern and the Saatichi Gallery, look at ’em taking photos and videos of the awkardly posed duo Doug and Mikael holding ping-pongs in their mouths. They fell for it. Because… I don’t know… because Marina Abramović? If this was performance art, it would have been bad […]