Category: News
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You might as well just throw your iPhone in the garbage now. Coming soon, there will be some kind of update to Siri, the helpful invisible woman that lives inside your iPhone. It’s been discovered that Apple posted a job description looking for a writer to help create more dialog for Siri and make her […]
New York Democratic Congressman Steve Israel hopes to federally outlaw 3D-printed guns and magazines this December, when the Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988 expires and goes up for renewal. The act, which outlaws the manufacture, sale, and possession of plastic guns that could pass through x-rays and metal detectors without setting them off, does not […]
Once again, Uriel Landeros continues to sully the artistic tradition of attacking famous art works. Unlike the canonized Malevich taggers and blood X-ers before him, not only does the man stenciled of a bullfighter on Picasso’s Woman in a Red Armchair at the Menil museum in Houston lack cohesive motive and style, he just makes no sense altogether. He also says that he didn’t […]
Benjamin Kabak of the transit blog Second Avenue Sagas was recently given a media tour of Lower Manhattan’s South Ferry Station, which suffered incredible damage during Hurricane Sandy and is likely to take up to three years and $600 million to repair. What he found–documented in the photos above–looks more like a station that’s been abandoned […]
It’s hard to say why, but police commissioner Ray Kelly is pretty popular around these parts. So popular, in fact, that despite being the head and public face of a department that’s faced tremendous controversy over stop-and-frisk, seen several cases of police brutality and excessive force, and is considering the use of surveillance drones in […]
Hal, Bushwick. (Photo: Bucky Turco/ANIMALNewYork) […]
Brooklyn-based collective FAILE’s tower for the New York City Ballet dominates the Lincoln Center. (Photo: Don Juan Tenorio/Flickr) […]
Kat Candler’s fictional short Black Metal premiered at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival and it’s now ready to watch on YouTube. That is if you’re into murder. And metal. Or short films. It’s not officially based on Varg Vikernes but it definetly deals with the mystique. After a career spent mining his music from the shadows, one fan creates […]
The citizens of the East Village are fighting the corporate, convenient menace known as 7-Eleven, attempting to thwart the company’s intention of building dozens of stores in Manhattan. To voice their disapproval, East Villagers are marking the sidewalks with anti-7-Eleven statements, like the one above. A meeting on East 11th Street brought out more residents […]
A brand new Sandy-themed Annie Leibovitz photoshoot over at Vogue is suffering a bit of a backlash right now. It’s understandable that this glamorous couture mugging may seem inappropriate in context, but it’s not like the models are strutting over hurricane ruins? As far as “controversial” fashion shoots, this isn’t that bad. The models are not […]