July 2, 2013 Nate Cepis

Opponents of New York’s bike share are not going to like these stats: Citi Bike is a big hit. Just look at the numbers. A recent poll also indicates support. The NYPD is apparently a huge fan too. […]

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Andy Cush

“Listen In” is a weekly feature in which we ask musicians to curate a mixtape-length YouTube playlist of songs they’re currently digging. Brooklyn’s Octo Octa–a producer who makes lush, dreamy, deliciously hi-fi dance music–compiled this week’s “Listen In,” a tour through mellow, funky house music of the ’80s and ’90s. And while the mix’s opening […]

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Daniel Kolitz

Wondering why you’re paying $1 for a new MetroCard? Here’s surcharge gospel according to Printed Internet. […]

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Tod Seelie

In 1914, the fraternal society Knights of Pythias would meet in Philadelphia’s Hathorne Hall. After being left vacant for many years, it was recently taken over by the New York artist collective Rabid Hands for the Hidden City Festival. Its mysterious fraternal past inspired a building-wide art installation based heavily on the imagined history of another secret society. Knights of […]

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Norman Siegel

In the wake of the City Council passing historic measures to keep the NYPD accountable and Mayor Bloomberg baffling comments about stop-and-frisk demographics, former Executive Directors of the New York and American Civil Liberties Unions, Norman Siegel and Ira Glasser, sent the following letter to all 51 Council Members. Dear Council Member, In response to City […]

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Marina Galperina

William, Williamsburg.  Pigeon Service Announcement: While our senior pigeoneers Mike Immerman & Allison Bagg are out of the country and away on business, the rest of ANIMAL crew is taking over their pigeon monopoly. (Photo: Aymann Ismail/ANIMALNewYork) […]

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July 1, 2013 Adam Katzman

It’s healthy to be at least mildly skeptical of gurus with cultish personas, even if you subscribe to their philosophy. Saturday night’s show with Lil B, an artist whose approach to life I am pretty fond of, was thus something I approached with some trepidation. Would the rap game Tony Robbins ask the Task Force […]

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Bucky Turco

Graffiti artists REVOK and POSE have finished painting the Bowery Wall after what has to be one of the most intensive six days ever devoted to the spot. And it’s a masterpiece. It’s also a massive RIP wall dedicated to some of graffiti most’s talented writers who passed away such as DONDI, IZ, NEKST, TIE, […]

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Marina Galperina

Nothing says “Free Pussy Riot!” quite like Putin pasties on a hairy barrel chest. We’re crammed in tight just off Fifth Avenue prepping for the Pride Parade and my giggling, balaclava’ed neighbor flicks the pasty-Putin’s nose. The tassels spin. Hours earlier in St. Petersburg, 40 gay rights activists were attacked by 200 nationalist thugs. They were […]

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Marina Galperina

ANIMAL’s feature Artist’s Notebook asks artists to show us their original “idea sketch” next to a finished piece. This week, new media artist Carla Gannis talks about her current collaborative project with poet Justin Petropoulos about “(mis)communications.” I am collaborating with poet Justin Petropoulos on a project entitled <legend>      </legend> . The project is rooted in poems written by Justin from […]

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