June 14, 2013 Kyle Chayka

A new piece by artist Jeffrey Alan Scudder allows its participants to play four copies of Grand Theft Auto IV simultaneously, gradually transitioning between each individual game environment. This uncontrollable displacement from one instance of the game to another causes a jarring effect for players of the game. At the same time, it functions as a […]

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Marina Galperina

Using his cat’s laser toy, a swivel chair and complicated math, artist Rollin Leonard just released a new project and it looks like it hurts. This is 360 / 18 Lilia. Using highly composite numbers, Leonard breaks up the very recognizable image of a human face into nine horizontal slices rotating individually on a 24 second loop and then, again, into […]

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Aymann Ismail

The NSA is listening, PRISM is ruining the internet and surveillance cameras are everywhere. Bummer. Well, we might as well have a little fun. Here’s our fashion spread, as shot through NY subway surveillance monitors. It was fun until an MTA worker — not a cop — asked me, “You know, we can arrest you for […]

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Marina Galperina

If you didn’t get to troll the NSA yet, don’t worry. In response to the troubling exposure of the PRISM internet surveillance program — and the general public’s vast response of WHAT THE FUCK, R U SRS? — here’s a brand new project from Carlos Sáez (of Cloque.Org) and Anthony Antonellis (of NetArtNet.Net) for fun. TriggerTreat.net generates a seemingly endless list […]

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Marina Galperina

THE PLOT THICKENS! Yesterday, we investigated artist Richard Prince‘s outing in Central Park with topless ladies reading Bunny Modern. A tipster who will remain anonymous told us “Bob Dylan was painting on an easel in the background.” He described him as a man with “wild hair and good shades,” painting nudes “with the authority you’d expect of a man who’d […]

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Allison Bagg

Ricky, Tompkins Square Park. (Photo: Aymann Ismail/ANIMALNewYork) […]

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June 13, 2013 Kyle Chayka

How would a computer perceive an act so non-technological as humans having sex? There’s no particular appeal in bare skin, genitalia, or penetration for a machine; pornography, like any other piece of digital media, is just a series of zeroes and ones translated into pixels and colors on a screen. But Spanish artist Alejandro Gomez-Arias […]

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Nate Cepis

Every good organization deserves a good logo, so after ANIMAL profiled GooseWatch NYC earlier this week, we decided to do a little pro-bono, unsolicited design work for the volunteer group. In an attempt to curtail incidents of birds interfering with airplane flight, the City of New York and the USDA began slaughtering geese in NYC’s […]

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Andy Cush

Each week in Sample Wars, we’ll pit two songs which sample the same source material head-to-head against each other, to determine which one rocked the sample better. Kanye West is on everyone’s mind these days–the Post gave Kimye top billing over Edward Snowden on its cover yesterday, and Jon Caramanica’s Kanye profile blew up the internet–so in anticipation […]

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Allison Bagg

Miriam, Hell’s Kitchen. (Photo: ANIMALNewYork) […]

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