December 1, 2014 Prachi Gupta

A set of about 50 Vietnam-era steel helmets, grazed by bullets in battle, now sit on display in the narrow Flatiron Prow Artspace on Fifth Avenue. They are wrapped in mementos, photos, and notes taken not by soldiers or the faceless victims of war, but by other, often unseen witnesses — war correspondents. The exhibition’s […]

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KLOPS is a prolific graffiti artist in New York City who not only writes his name, but also draws characters. He makes legal art, too: Every week, be on the lookout for an original KLOPS comic with the artist’s take on current events. […]

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Rhett Jones

ANIMAL’s feature Artist’s Notebook asks artists to show us their original “idea sketch” next to a finished artwork or project. This week, artist Aaron Graham talks about his recent installation at Croton Point Park, forces of nature and the mobile gallery that he founded with his mom. Last year, my mother and I bought a […]

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Bucky Turco

Cyrus, Central Park. (Photo: Mark Wyman) […]

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Bucky Turco

Old people organization AARP has a print magazine and just released its special October/November Health Issue that boasts an article with comedian and alleged rapist Bill Cosby. The cover lines read: “Bill Cosby – Still making us laugh.” Inside, there’s a fluff piece on him with a collage of vintage Cosby photos. UPDATE: According to […]

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November 30, 2014 Bucky Turco

Eric Garner’s mom asks for calm ahead of the grand jury that will decide whether or not to indict the police officer who placed her son in a chokehold. Darren Wilson, the Ferguson police officer who shot and killed unarmed teenager Michael Brown finally does something right: He resigns. Mayor De Blasio opened nearly two […]

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November 29, 2014 Bucky Turco

Seven demonstrators were arrested in NYC for trying to disrupt Black Friday shopping at Macy’s as protests in honor of Mike Brown continue. There were actions nationwide. Busta Rhymes bopped his head so hard that he fell of the stage at Webster Hall during a concert, giving himself a nasty gash. Watch the video, over […]

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November 28, 2014 Aymann Ismail

Lexi Bella x Miss Zukie for the Dodworth Street Mural Project. (Photo: Aymann Ismail/ANIMALNewYork) […]

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Bucky Turco

As our allies across the pond hone in on their Black Friday stampede skills, here in the U.S., shoppers continue to push the envelope from single store melees to all-out mall riots. In honor of this grand American tradition, we put together a supercut of this year’s thirstiest consumers. Happy Holidays. […]

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Rhett Jones

Here are some art, film, music and other things happening in NYC so you can Have a Good Weekend. Drop your suggestions in the comments or to tips@animalnewyork.com. FRIDAY 37°F LOW 27°F   In theaters: TV’s Sherlock stars as Alan Turing in The Imitation Game, Indie horror movie about a haunted book The Babadook. Last […]

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